Nebraska Petitioning on Public Property Lawsuit Settled Favorably

On June 8, 2007, a federal lawsuit on the subject of where circulators may work was successfully settled. The cities of Grand Island and Omaha issued memos to their employees saying, “Petition signature gathering is permitted on the exterior areas of library property, including the connecting walkways.”

The city of Lincoln issued a memo to its employees, saying “All city departments may have contact with people exercising various First Amendment rights, including, but not limited to, petition signature gatherers. Please be aware that the First Amendment allows a great deal of latitude to people exercising their First Amendment rights.”

Douglas County issued a memo letting people petition in the common exterior areas of the County Hall of Justice and Civic Center Complex.

This case, Groene v Seng, 4:06cv3153, had been filed in 2006. The various governmental departments paid attorneys fees of $100,000 and settled the lawsuit with no need for a judicial opinion.


Nebraska Petitioning on Public Property Lawsuit Settled Favorably — No Comments

  1. Isn’t that nice! Happiness is good natured government officials celebrating the constitutional right to free speech, wherever in the U.S. it may be!

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