Prohibition Party National Convention

The faction of the Prohibition Party that does not recognize Earl Dodge as national chair is holding its presidential convention in Indianapolis, September 13-14. One of the delegates is blogging from the convention; see the link below. The blog reports that Sarah Ward, immediate past president of the national Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, and current president of the World WCTU, stopped by to give greetings to the Prohibition Party convention. The WCTU is holding its own national gathering in the same hotel in Indianapolis.


Prohibition Party National Convention — No Comments

  1. Well just for clarity’s sake – the hotel bar is doing fairly well because another group here is investing a lot of time there.

  2. I am proud that the greatest as well as oldest third party is in Inianapolis holding its convention. What really makes it special is the WCTU meeting there also! I wish I could have made it this year. But I know that there’s great days ahead for the Party.
    Richard D. Swift
    Missouri committeeman and
    vice-chairman Prohibition National Committee

  3. In all reality, we are not “the faction of the Prohibition Party that does not recognize Earl Dodge as national chair”. We are not a faction! We are the Prohibition Party! Earl Dodge has his own little following that fails to realize they are no longer the party.
    Richard D. Swift
    Vice-chair, Prohibition National Committee and
    Missouri Committeeman

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