Four Democrats on Michigan Primary Ballot

The January 15 Democratic Michigan primary ballots will list Hillary Clinton, Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and Chris Dodd. Although Kucinich’s web site had said he would withdraw his name, he did not withdraw. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link to the official Secretary of State list. It is posssible other names will be added by petition in the next few weeks, but these candidates are on automatically.

The January 15 Republican Michigan primary will contain the same 9 candidates who debated in Michigan on October 9, plus any additional candidates who successfully petition in the next few weeks. Alan Keyes is petitioning.


Four Democrats on Michigan Primary Ballot — No Comments

  1. This is precisely the sort of nonsense that should not be allowed. Why is a political party allowed to use government facilities and taxpayers funds, while discriminating against entire states? What happened to one person one vote?

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