Influential New Hampshire Legislator Makes Case for a December 11 Primary

On October 17, veteran New Hampshire legislator Jim Splaine published this commentary on why a December 11, 2007 presidential primary date would be desirable. The following day, New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner, speaking at the University of New Hampshire, said he very well may set the date on December 11, and that he won’t decide until November 2 at the earliest.


Influential New Hampshire Legislator Makes Case for a December 11 Primary — No Comments

  1. Perhaps they should have some primaries sooner, that way, they could enjoy an incumbent party protection scheme; and they don’t have to file campaign finance reports until January 15th. Also, they can start raising monies for the general election of November, 2008 to avoid the public financing system; after all, they need to fill alot of crony positions in government when elected. Oops, that’s right, they already do this!!

  2. what’s next? The primary for the 2012 election will be the same day as the 2008 election is held.

  3. Jim Splaine “influential”?!?!?
    Oh, come on!

    He’s a State Rep — one of 400.
    He’s neither Chair, nor Vice Chair, nor even Clerk of any committee.
    He’s popular with his fellow Democrats in the legislature, but unlike some of his more moderate Democratic colleagues, he is not highly respected by the Republicans, who still do comprise nearly half of the House.

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