Now is the Time to Ask State Legislators to Introduce Bills Next Year

Two-thirds of the states have serious problems with their ballot access laws. Since 1985, progress in overcoming these problems has come mostly by state legislatures voluntarily improving the laws. Progress was good during the 1990’s, but this decade has been much slower. If you are in a state with bad ballot access laws, now is the time for you to organize with like-minded individuals in your state, and ask a state legislator to introduce a reform bill next year. State legislators usually plan which bills they will introduce several months before the legislative session convenes. Finding a sponsor is half the battle, but it must be done in the next two months.

There are a handful of states in which the legislature does not meet in even-numbered years, except in special session. The only large state in this category is Texas.


Now is the Time to Ask State Legislators to Introduce Bills Next Year — No Comments

  1. Separate ballot access laws are NOT EQUAL ballot access laws.

    See Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483, 495 (1954) regarding access to public schools.

    Obviously an *equal* nominating petition for ALL candidates for the SAME office in the SAME area will show which candidates have a preliminary showing of voter support.

    Much too difficult for the armies of MORON lawyers since 1968 screwing up hundreds of ballot access cases.

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