Iowa Secretary of State Publicizes New Forms Letting Voters Register Libertarian, Green

On November 14, Iowa Secretary of State Michael Mauro sent out a press release, publicizing the state’s new voter registration forms, which will give voters 5 choices instead of 3 choices. The old forms forced voters to choose Democratic, Republican or Independent. The new forms, available in January, will include Libertarian and Green. This is because of an ACLU lawsuit won earlier this year. See this newspaper story.

Any other party that has placed candidates on general election ballots in the last ten years is also free to be listed on the form, if it submits 850 signatures on a special petition concerning voter registration rights.

Iowans also had the opportunity to register as members of the Green Party during 2001 and 2002, because the Green Party was fully qualified in those years, because Ralph Nader had polled over 2% for president in 2000. Also Iowans were able to register as members of the Reform Party during the period 1997-1998. Iowans have never before been able to register as Libertarians since the Libertarian Party has never been a qualified party in Iowa.

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