Biden Qualifies for Primary Season Matching Funds

On December 4, the Federal Election Commission issued a press release saying that Joe Biden has become the fifth presidential candidate to be ruled eligible for primary season matching funds.

The same press release also says there isn’t enough money in the Presidential Public Funding program to pay matching funds to any primary candidate. The money that is in the fund must be saved for the Democratic and Republican conventions ($16,356,000 to each of those two parties), and for the general election campaigns of those two parties. If any primary season money is paid out, it won’t be until more income tax forms are processed, for the most part in the spring of 2008. Thanks to Tony Roza for this news.


Biden Qualifies for Primary Season Matching Funds — 5 Comments

  1. I hope Americans can look past the political horse race the media has created around Clinton and Obama, and look at more qualified candidates like Joe Biden.

  2. Well now, here is a way to cripple the lower fund
    raising candidates. After all, it has never made
    any sense for the fund to pay for the major party
    Conventions. You would think that their corporate
    sponsors would be MORE than willing to cough up
    the money. Giving a candidate money long after his
    campaign has ended won’t do him any good.

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