Dodd, Gravel, Hunter and Tancredo Fail to File in New Jersey Presidential Primaries

New Jersey holds presidential primaries for the Republican and Democratic Parties. Candidates need 1,000 signatures. In the Republican primary, neither Tom Tancredo nor Duncan Hunter filed. In the Democratic primary, neither Chris Dodd nor Mike Gravel filed.

Candidates who did file in the Democratic primary are: Biden, Clinton, Edwards, Kucinich, Obama and Richardson. Those who filed in the Republican primary are: Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Paul, Romney, and Thompson.


Dodd, Gravel, Hunter and Tancredo Fail to File in New Jersey Presidential Primaries — 4 Comments

  1. Once again Dodd saying screw the people of Connecticut. I will move to Iowa and even if I win there I will not be in other big primaries so there is no way I can win.
    I hope the voters of CT remember this in 2010 when he is up for election.

  2. Tonight at 8pm EST on Third Rail check out our live exclusive interview with democratic presidential candidate Senator Mike Gravel. We will discuss his current campaign as well as his recent exclusion from the Des Moines Register debate. Call in and check it out at

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