John Edwards Answers the “Rock the Debates” Question

On January 2, John Edwards responded to the “Rock the Debates” question. Larry Reinsch asked Edwards if he would agree to an inclusive general election presidential debate if he were the Democratic nominee. “Inclusive presidential debate” means that everyone who was on the ballot in states containing a majority of electoral votes would be invited. In all U.S. history, there has never been an election with more than 7 such candidates (including the major party candidates).

Edwards said, “No. Because I think that it depends on first of all, it depends on how serious a candidate they are. I don’t know if you’re aware of this…there are hundreds of people running for President right now.”

Larry Reinsch said, “Only five. Only five on the ballot usually.”

Edwards then said, “But, let me finish responding. I think the problem is this. This has nothing to do with excluding people, it has to do with a very practical issue. You remember Ross Perot participated in the debates when he was an Independent candidate for President. I think as long as you have a legitimate chance, yes. But what you can’t do is flood the state with 15 or 20 people…I’d like to see the debates expanded, and candidates who are not Democrats or Republicans, if they are strong and viable, and they actually have some chance, yeah, I’d be open to that possibility. I’m not open to the possibility of bringing 15 or 20 people up to the stage, because I think it dilutes the substance of the discussion.”

Reinsch then again said, “It would only be five.”

The exchange appears to show that Edwards didn’t listen to Reinsch’s point. For a list of all the presidential candidates who were on the ballot in states containing a majority of electoral votes, see the chart in the printed July 1, 2007 Ballot Access News. Once more, congratulations to Larry Reinsch, an Iowa resident who has asked “the question” to most of the leading major party presidential candidates this year. To see the earlier responses of other major party presidential candidates, see Edwards’ response isn’t posted yet, but it will be soon.


John Edwards Answers the “Rock the Debates” Question — No Comments

  1. I don’t think he’s either a weasel or an intellectual coward (and this is coming from someone who likes weasels…and ferrets), he’s simply answering the question the way most Democratic candidates would answer it. Also, I’m sure he had other things on his mind at the time and it’s not something he’s exactly been preparing for night and day. But really, all that needs to be pointed out to these people is that both major parties have far more people at their own primary debates than would ever be on a stage under, say,’s rules.

    The “number of people” issue is a red herring anyway….the real reason, obviously, has to do with pure tactics and which major candidate is perceived to benefit from the inclusion of minor party candidates. The only criterion that should be used in any of these forums is whom the voters themselves WANT to see in them, period. It should not be up to the candidates, it should not be up to the major parties, it should not be up to the television stations – there is no reason why the people who go into the voting booth on election day should not be the ones who decide who gets on stage and debates in front of them.

  2. This does not surprise me a bit. Remember early in the primary there was that ruckus because Edwards whispered something in Hillary’s ear. It was something to the effect of narrowing down the pool.

  3. “David Gaines Says:
    January 9th, 2008 at 12:19 pm
    I don’t think he’s either a weasel or an intellectual coward (and this is coming from someone who likes weasels…and ferrets), he’s simply answering the question the way most Democratic candidates would answer it.”

    And most Democratic candidates are weasels and intellectual cowards.

  4. David: Richardson said “Sure, he’d love to debate.”
    See the video at

  5. “bam Says:
    January 10th, 2008 at 7:17 am
    Andy I hate you….you suck….John Edwards rocks!”

    You obviously can’t handle the truth about John Edwards.

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