Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Denies Knowledge of Bonus Checks for State Employees’ Anti-Nader Work

See this Pennsylvania news story, in which Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Bill DeWeese denies knowing about bonuses for Democratic legislative staffers for doing political work. Although this particular newspaper story does not mention what kind of political work was involved, part of the work involved helping with the challenge to Ralph Nader’s petition in 2004.

The news about the scandal is coming at just the right time, as Nader is pressing ahead with his lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and its alllies for its efforts to keep him off various state ballots in 2004, and also as he is fighting in court to keep his challengers from raiding his bank account.


Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Denies Knowledge of Bonus Checks for State Employees’ Anti-Nader Work — No Comments

  1. In the 2008 campaign they’ll be running for re-election saying the problems with the casino licenses, property tax, etc. are not their fault, the staffers did it all without their knowledge.

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