Unity08 Reportedly Will Dissolve Itself

According to this story, Unity08 is in the process of dissolving itself and re-creating itself as part of the Draft Bloomberg movement. Don’t be surprised that this article begins with a “Google” map of part of Washington, D.C.; that is not a computer error; the map is germaine to the story.


Unity08 Reportedly Will Dissolve Itself — No Comments

  1. Too bad it comes down to $. And Bloomberg has it.

    And the fact hat the Dem and Rep nominees won’t be known until at least Feb 6th. Kinda sucks the oxygen out of the room for Unity08. Especially if the nominees are Obama and McCain who are fairly bipartisan.

  2. Richard,

    Do we know what happens to the money donated to Unity08?

    What about Unity08 members personal information?

    I got a call from a bloomberg draft campaign poll. My personal number is unlisted. I did give Unity08 my personal number.

    Can a draft Bloomberg group use the information and money from Unity08 members, when that is not what they signed up for?

    Is this legal?

    Do you think the FEC would have a problem with this use if they are using the personal information and money of Unity08 members.

  3. “Andrew MacRae Says:
    January 11th, 2008 at 5:53 am
    Join the citizen led effort to Draft Mike Bloomberg!”

    Why in the hell would anyone want the anti-free speech, anti-gun rights, pro-war, pro-police state Bloomturd for President?

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