Texas Democratic Party Wins Oath Lawsuit in 5th Circuit

On January 17, the 5th circuit refused to grant an injunction to force the Texas Democratic Party to list Dennis Kucinich on its presidential primary ballot. Kucinich will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene. Kucinich refused to sign the oath that the party requires, that all candidates will “fully support” the party’s eventual presidential nominee. Kucinich v Texas Democratic Party, 08-50038. The three judges who denied the request for an injunction are Jacques Wiener and Emilio Garza (Bush Sr. appointees) and Edward Prado (a Bush Jr. appointee).


Texas Democratic Party Wins Oath Lawsuit in 5th Circuit — No Comments

  1. Kucinich, you’re the only Dem with BIG BALLS AND HAIR ON YOUR ASS! Keep up the good fight. Down with fascism. Impeach NOW. Get Bushitler out. Wake up America!

  2. In 2004, I was the Libertarian Party candidate for PA State Treasurer, I was never required to take such an oath, I was even an Elector for the Badnarik, yet, I did not cast a straight party ballot, never have and probably never will.

  3. So the Donkeys can nominate a Stalin clone monster and have folks be forced to *fully support” the monster ???

    Is the U.S.A. DOOMED or what — due to the many New Age party hack judge on the courts ???

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