Pennsylvania Primary Petition Deadline Extended Due to Weather

On February 12, Pennsylvania’s Governor issued an order, extending the filing period for candidates seeking a place on Democratic and Republican primary ballots, from 5 p.m. on Tuesday (February 12), to noon on Thursday (February 14). The reason was that wintery weather had slowed down transportation.

Notwithstanding the extension, the only five presidential candidates who had been expected to file a petition, did so. They are Hillary Clinton and Barack in the Democratic primary; and Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and Ron Paul in the Republican primary. Each needed 2,000 signatures of party members, plus additional petitions to qualify candidates for Delegate in various U.S. House districts.


Pennsylvania Primary Petition Deadline Extended Due to Weather — No Comments

  1. Lets see him do the same for independents or minor parties sometime. Yeah right rules only bend for major parties.

  2. Independent and minor parties start circulating the day after the Rs & Ds file. It will be interesting to see what happens to signatures gathered on Feb 13 & 14. Regardless of the law, you can always count on the creativity of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth court.

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