Pennsylvania does not allow unqualified parties to circulate their petitions until mid-February. The petitioning period opened a few days ago. The Constitution, Green, Libertarian and Reform Parties have started, or are on the verge of starting. The statewide requirement is 24,666 signatures, due August 1.
Pennsylvania has no procedure for an unqualified party to circulate a petition that just names the party. Instead, Pennsylvania only has procedures for petitions that list candidates. However, Pennsylvania permits stand-ins. The Constitution Party stand-in national ticket is Jim Clymer for president and Chuck Baldwin for vice-president. The Green Party stand-in national ticket is John Zachmann for president and K.C. McCurry for vice-president. The Libertarian stand-in national ticket is Rochelle Etzel for president and Chuck Boust for vice-president. The Reform Party petition lists Michael Bloomberg for president and Frank McKay for vice-president.
Green Party of PA stand-ins are John Zachmann and Sedinam K.C. Moyowasifza-Curry.
I’m suprised the reform party still exists. They don’t seem to have an identity.