Intra-Party Dispute in New York Independence Party

The New York Independence Party is already somewhat famous for its on-going dispute between the New York state officers and the New York city branches of the party. However, an entirely different intra-party dispute has cost the party an opportunity to nominate a candidate in the special State Senate election set for February 26.

The special election is to fill the vacant State Senate seat in the 48th district. The 48th district includes all of Jefferson County, all of Oswego County, and part of St. Lawrence County. In New York special elections, parties nominate by committee instead of by primary. The Jefferson County Independence Party Committee nominated Darrel Aubertine (who is also the Democratic and Working Families nominee), but the Oswego County Independence Party Committee nominated William Barkley (who is also the Republican and Conservative nominee). Apparently the St. Lawrence County Committee did not take any action. The issue of who is the Independence Party nominee went to court, and on February 15, a State Supreme Court Justice ruled that, because of various technicalities, only the State Committee of the party could have nominated. Since the State Committee did not act, and it is now too late, the party will have no nominee. The Oswego Independence committee is appealing this decision.

The 48th district is so strongly Republican that in 2006, the Democratic Party didn’t even run anyone. The Independence Party state officers have said they believe that William Barkley, the Republican nominee, should also be the rightful Independence Party nominee.


Intra-Party Dispute in New York Independence Party — No Comments

  1. Normally in New York, this isn’t a problem. If the district falls over two or more counties, then the State Committee decides. If it falls in just one county, then the County Committee decides. A major screw up on the Independence Party’s part. Maybe they should stick to getting things right in New York before they try to organize a national party.

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