Nader on "Meet the Press" Sunday Morning, Feb. 24

Ralph Nader will be one of the guests on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday morning interview show, on February 24. Thanks to Jack Ross and Thomas Jones for this news. Here is a link to a story about the appearance, from the Associated Press.

The AP story is incorrect to say that Nader got .3% of the vote in November 2004. He received .4% (more precisely, .381%). The article is also deficient to fail to note that Nader did not injure John Kerry in 2004. Both election returns analysis, and poll data from late October 2004, showed that Nader voters were somewhat more likely to vote for George Bush than John Kerry, if they couldn’t vote for Nader. See the Washington Post, Oct. 22, 2004, page one, for the story about the poll data. See the print version of Ballot Access News, January 1, 2005, for the election returns evidence. Nader’s best state in 2004 was Alaska, and his best county in the U.S. in 2004 was Grand County, Utah. In three-fourths of the states in which Nader was on the ballot in 2004, his best county in that particular state was more in favor of Bush than that state as a whole.


Nader on "Meet the Press" Sunday Morning, Feb. 24 — 7 Comments

  1. 4 Wise Men march with the people
    Washington DC

    Honesty compassion intelligence guts
    Not carrots sticks coercive diplomacy

    Divided we fall
    Mike Gravel
    Dennis Kucinich
    Ron Paul
    Ralph Nader
    No bribery blackmail extortion

  2. I feel Nader is just what this country needs,however if he is doing this just to through the election I would be very disappointed as we do not need to be in a hundred year war.

  3. I hope nader does run he would have my vote, however if he is doing this just to through the election I would be very disappointed. We do not need to be in a hundred year war.

  4. I would definitely like to see another candidate for President besides the poor choices we have now, but I’m not sure Mr. Nader is the one. I just checked his website and found that the biggest issue hurting Americans at home, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, is not even on his 12 Issues That Matter Most in 2008 list. Illegal imigration should be a number one Priority, right up there with the Iraq war. I am looking for an anti-amnesty Presidential candidate, he’d get my vote!

  5. No doubt my Cherokee ancestors had similar feelings about European immigration. But we adapted and intermarried and now I am Cherokee, English, Irish and German Jew. I expect some of my families’ descendants to also be part Hispanic. I am worried? Not a bit. YOU EMIGRANT people get over your hypocrisy and or pack up and leave North America. I’ll join you, if you go. Otherwise, you repulse me.

    Now about Nader. Come on in Ralph, elections are even more corrupt than in 2000.

  6. left hand or right hand?
    is the answer they demand
    would you rather we cut off your left hand or your right hand
    what part of the question don’t you understand?
    this is how i feel every time i go into the voting booth
    a choice between two candidates i feel are not telling me the truth
    where is my choice?
    who represents my voice?
    all i see are empty promises never kept
    the rat stole the cheese while the cat slept
    the lesser of two evils is no justification
    for choosing the leader of any nation
    would you rather we cut off your left hand or right hand?
    i don’t believe this mentality will lead us to the promise-land
    i am right handed so it would be far worse to lose the right
    but it’s my left that gives the support where i find my true might
    to lose either hand is completely unacceptable
    and anyone who forces this choice on me is just contemptible
    what i choose is that i have the opportunity to make a real choice
    and with my vote acknowledge those who acknowledge my voice
    what’s wrong with picking someone based on their chances to win?
    i find that question so ludicrous i almost don’t know where to begin
    we treat our elections like it’s the super bowl
    that our team wins is the most important goal
    and candidates treat our votes as an entitlement
    so as a result the parties perpetuate the establishment
    they are selling us a propaganda campaign in order to get elected
    but then the same favors are owed to the same people no matter who is selected
    i cast my vote even though i was told it wouldn’t count
    now shall i support a party where my influence has no amount?
    it’s back room politics that has disenfranchised me
    nothing is different from what i can see
    i wonder just where was the candidate of change
    when we democrats of florida where treated like we had mange?
    i shall stand with those who stand with me
    no matter on what party they happen or not to be
    what is important is that my issues they choose to address
    that is the measure by which me they can impress
    are you going to represent me
    or are you going to represent some lobby?
    will my voice count when i am in the minority
    and you are being pushed about by the majority?
    can i trust you to stand up for what is right
    or do i have to worry about knocks in the night?
    an enemy of the state to be taken away
    with a political president who has nothing to say
    would you rather we cut off your left hand or right hand?
    we are the losers when we submit to this command
    i will not be a party to my own demise
    if enough people believe then real change will arise
    we should all vote for the person we consider best
    and trust the same from all of the rest
    imagine the world we can conceive
    if we all voted for who we believe
    instead of a resigned practicality that maintains the status quo
    through a two party system that turns on who raises the most dough
    if the vote we cast is always against the other
    the one we elect will represent anouther
    we should be voting for someone instead
    then we could all start to move ahead
    that is when i will believe that anyone can grow up to be president
    no matter from what barrio or hood they may happen to be a resident
    i shall be proud to be an american on that day
    because we shall have found anouther way
    so for the good of the people i now hereby state
    i shall be voting for ralph nader in 2008

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