11th Circuit Tells Florida Democratic Voter to Re-do His Lawsuit

On March 21, the 11th circuit issued a ruling in DiMaio v Democratic National Committee, the case over whether individual Democrats in Florida have a right to have input into the Democratic Party’s choice of a presidential candidate. The 11th circuit said the case had been filed with a procedural flaw concerning standing. The Court dismissed the case but invited the plaintiff to re-file without the flaw. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


11th Circuit Tells Florida Democratic Voter to Re-do His Lawsuit — No Comments

  1. The legitimacy of the presidential election would seem to rest of the Constitutional principle of every vote needing to count toward this very contentious primary. If a re-vote does not occur or some fair form of seating the Michigan and Florida delegates, the very foundation of our voting process as a democracy will be called into grave question. Without these votes, the United States is no longer united, instead operating as if we are a third world nation without due representation by all the people of this country. The Michigan and Florida voters rights will have been violated unless some fair solution is decided upon, not a blockage by the Obama campaign or of self-interest groups because they don’t think they can win in these states. That is what a re-vote would be for – to see that each candidate has a fair shake at this vote, starting with a clean slate. Something must be done for the good of the American democracy and all it stands for.

  2. Oh geez, the people who violated their own party’s rules are on their soapbox again. I take it your another Hillary supporter trying to gloss over the fact that Hillary agreed to the banishment of your state’s delegates from your Convention prior to the fact she just happened to find herself behind in the delegate count? You forget that while the Constitution may say something about fairness in voting during general elections, it says nothing about the primaries. In fact, the Constitution says nothing at all about party politics as it doesn’t recognize a political party. Therefore, you have no case under the Constitution.

  3. Need I also add that most of us on this site are third party supporters and we therefore really don’t care much that you Democrats are not united? Need I also add that we have been acting like a third world country for many years now, in terms of voting, by such things as excluding third party candidates from the ballot as well as from the debates due mainly to you Democrats and Republicans who are trying to perpetuate the two party duopoly that you have created? You say, “Something must be done for the good of the American democracy and all it stands for.”? Oh please. I’m gagging. Begone evil spirit! Haunt us no more!

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