West Virginia holds its primary elections on May 13, for president and all other partisan office. This year, for the first time, West Virginia independents can choose to vote in either the Democratic Party primary, or the Republican Party primary. However, polling place officials may not tell independents that they have this choice. Nor will there be any signs at polling places telling independents that they have that choice.
The Mountain Party is also a ballot-qualified party, but it nominates by convention, not primary.
expect a very large turnout in the democratic primary on may 13.only 2 minor contests in the gop promary.
WV Independant voters can vote for any of the three parties with ballot access. The WV Mountain Party is indeed in the primary for the first time for the 2008 election cycle. The candidate for Governor will be decided at the 2008 convention. The President and Vice President on the Mountain Party ballot line will be decided by the Green Party convention in Chicago July 2008. The independant and third party voters are able to vote in the Mountain Party primary May 13 2008. I brokered this as State Chair of the Mountain Party in 2007 before I resigned to run for the GPUS nomination for US President.
Barack Obama will WIN John McCain.