Hawaii Legislature Passes National Popular Vote Bill

On April 2, the Hawaii House passed SB 2898 and sent it to Governor Linda Lingle. It had already passed the State Senate. Only 8 “No” votes were cast in the House. Governor Lingle vetoed this bill last year, and she may veto it again this year. However, this year it is likely that her veto could be overridden.


Hawaii Legislature Passes National Popular Vote Bill — No Comments

  1. If you feel like helping out, please consider editing the wikipedia entry on this compact: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact
    In general, it would be helpful if you listed the sources you used to get your news. I assume that it comes from state government websites? Giving links in the future would help wikipedia editors in that they don’t have to search in 50 different websites.

    (The wikipedia article often refers to your blog for developments, but somebody may object to using a blog as a source at some point. Primary sources are better.)

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