Oral Argument in U.S. Supreme Court in “Millionaire’s Amendment” Case

Here is an article briefly describing the U.S. Supreme Court oral argument in Davis v Federal Election Commission. The article says both sides had holes poked in their arguments, and says it is very difficult to predict which way this case will go. Check back here later in the day for a link to the transcript.

UPDATE: Here is a somewhat more comprehensive AP story. SECOND UPDATE: see here for Election Law Professor Rick Hasen’s analysis of the oral argument. His blog also has a link to the transcript.

The case challenges part of the McCain-Feingold law. That part of the law relaxes contribution limits when one of the candidates for Congress spends more than $350,000 on his or her own campaign. Davis argues that since the government had earlier insisted that strict contribution limits are necessary to prevent corruption or the appearance of corruption, the whole rationale for relaxing contribution limits in certain situations doesn’t make sense.


Oral Argument in U.S. Supreme Court in “Millionaire’s Amendment” Case — No Comments

  1. U.S.A. Constitution – First Amendment [part]

    Congress shall make no law *** abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    ANY 1789-2008 dictionaries in Dumb City with *no* and *abridge / abridging* ???

    See the book — Sources of Our Liberties edited by Richard L. Perry (1959) — i.e. having the pre-1776 complaints about the EVIL party hack British regime and the 1776-1789 State Bills of Rights — regarding speech, press, assemble and petition.

    The EVIL ENEMIES of freedom want to use the New Age campaign finance stuff to cause only ANTI-freedom EVIL party hack control freaks to be elected and to stay in power.

  2. Sure — only New Age pre-school juveniles do not understand EVIL in high places — i.e. ALL the leftwing Donkey / rightwing Elephant gerrymander EVIL MONSTERS in the Congress and all 50 State legislatures — especially since the 1860 election.

    The business- as- usual EVIL MONSTERS who cause undeclared wars, inflations, depressions, giant govt deficits, campaign finance laws, unequal ballot access laws, etc. — i.e. who maintain the entire top to bottom EVIL special interest gang *politics* in the U.S.A. and State regimes.

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