Alabama Ballot Access Bill Dies

Alabama HB 738, which would have lowered the number of signatures for independent candidates (for office other than president) was never brought up on the House floor, and there isn’t enough time left in the session for it to pass. The legislature is about to adjourn for the year.


Alabama Ballot Access Bill Dies — No Comments

  1. It’s just like those bunch of thugs to allow a good bill to die. Last year, they gave themselves a 62% pay raise and then dead-locked all session.

  2. “The principle of all successful effort is to try to do not what is absolutely the best, but what is easily within our power, and suited for our temperament and condition.”

    And what is easy to those in power is to rig the system to guarantee the continuation of control, theirs not the peoples.

    Well another battle lost … on with the war to free the ballot!

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