Minnesota Independence Party U.S. Senate Nominee Could be Either Dean Barkley or Jesse Ventura

The ballot-qualified Minnesota Indepencence Party holds a primary in September. Filing is in July. Press reports from Minnesota indicate that both Jesse Ventura and Dean Barkley are considering running for U.S. Senate. Each defers to the other and says, “I won’t run unless (the other) doesn’t want to run.” The party must poll at least 5% for the U.S. Senate race this year, in order to remain on the ballot.

Dean Barkley was appointed to fill a two-month vacancy in the U.S. Senate by Governor Ventura, in 2002, after incumbent Senator Paul Wellstone was killed in an airplane crash. Both Ventura and Barkley have high name recognition in Minnesota.


Minnesota Independence Party U.S. Senate Nominee Could be Either Dean Barkley or Jesse Ventura — No Comments

  1. I used to respect Ventura and would have liked to see him run for President, but his recent comments that 9/11 was an inside job make me question his mental health.

  2. Whos mental health should we question ? the one asking for answers or the one hiding them ?

  3. Wellstone’s replacement as the Dem nominee was Walter Mondale, the ex-VP. A few minutes into Mondale’s televised debate with Norm Coleman, the Republican nominee, Gov. Ventura held a press conference to present Barkley as the interim senator. Ventura had contacted Barkley with the news shortly before they held the press conference.

    Barkley was Kinky Friedman’s campaign manager in his 2006 independent race for governor of Texas.

  4. Stine, Jesse’s 9/11 comments were not that it was an inside job, just that the “official” explanation doesn’t make any sense (and it doesn’t!). See the Larry King transcript for details.

    Steve, interesting history, didn’t know there was a Six-Degrees-of-Separation with Kinky and Jesse.

    Too bad Jesse’s not running for 1600PA…

  5. Leslie Davis isn’t a conventional Democrat. In fact, he has run for office at least once as a Republican. I think his views are within range of what Independence Party members might support. The problem is that Davis has developed a particular animosity toward the IP and, especially, Jesse Ventura.

    I myself have become the target of Davis’ vitriol when I considered running for public office two years ago, decided not to, and then posted a message saying I was supporting Peter Hutchinson for governor. Davis was also running for governor; he thought I ought to be supporting him. Perhaps the idea was to browbeat the faint of heart into changing positions.

    There is no mistaking Davis’ commitment to issues of public policy. He also produces a weekly show on Minneapolis cable-TV which is informative and useful. Unfortunately, Davis lets his ego get in the way of his political effectiveness. It’s a waste of talent.

    Now let me respond to the comment about Jesse Ventura.s mental health. I’m with Jesse on this one. Implausible as it might seem, there are solid pieces of evidence to suggest that the 9/11 attacks were not as the official report describes them. The most striking piece of evidence is that a building near the Twin Towers, Building 7, collapsed a few hours later even though it was not struck by an airplane. All the buildings collapsed in a manner suggesting controlled demolition. I would refer you to a video produced by Michael Andregg of Ground Zero, a specialist in intelligence matters.

    If evidence can be produced showing that evidence supporting a “conspiracy” is in error, I would gladly change my opinion. But I will not do that in response to ad hominem attacks or general statements like “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories.” Jesse Ventura is doing a service to the community in keeping an open mind about such matters. The disclosure in his most recent book that the CIA has a secret plant in Minnesota state government is also quite interesting.

    Finally, let me say that I have announced that I will be seeking the IP endorsement for U.S. Senate, trade policy being my issue. That was before Dean Barkley or Jesse Ventura expressed an interest in being a candidate. If either of them runs, they would both be stronger candidates than I; and it would serve no point in my trying to beat them for the IP slot in the general election. If endorsed at the convention on June 21, I would either drop out of the race or stay in depending on which situation puts the IP candidate in a better position for the general election. Jesse Ventura could win that election, and Dean Barkley would have a good shot at it.

    Keep in mind that both Coleman and Franken have raised over $10 million for their campaigns. We’d need to do something different.

  6. Let me make this clear. It was an inside job to kill thousands of our citizens? If that were true then where is the evidence and why are those that have this evidence not seeking crimminal action? It is a conspiracy. From what I have read that they knew that there was an attack that was close to taking place but was to only hijack planes. Not fly them into buildings. The IP does not need someone that is way out and into conspiracy theories. What we need is someone that is about breaking through how our government is run. To break the stranglehold that the Dems and Rep have. We need someone that will do what they can to fix the problems we have today and make the future better for those that come after us. We need people to run that will keep the main things the main things.
    I like Jesse but I do not like how he handles the media. He needs to be a little more friendly to the media or they will not shed a good light on him. Aside from that we do need to present a good candidate. We as a part would then need to do what we can to help that candidate. The problem is money. People want change but they will only stick with one of the 2 parties. If people can look beyond the other 2 parties then the IP message can be sent out. I strongly urge people to contact their local IP leaders and get involved. This is a major turning point in our history. It is from this time forward that will set the course of how the US is looked upon. Believe me, as someone that lived outside and recently traveled outside the US we are not in favorable light with them. There needs to be a huge change.
    Like I said. We don’t need candidates that run looking at consiracy theories but run on what is really needed. If there was crimminal activity done then let that play out. Until there is actual evidence or if there is actual evidence then bring it to justice. Stop running on theories and do something about it. It makes us look like crack pots.
    Thank you !!

  7. Joe, I just finished reading two of Jesse’s books ( Do I Stand Alone? and Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me) and I have to say they were real eye-openers. Please read them and then maybe you will re-form your opinion about his ability to lead and reform. I wish every citizen would read these books before voting this year. I have been a democrat all my life, but am now changing to IP.

  8. I never said or questioned Jesse’s ability to run or lead. I just don’t think that we need someone that will bring unfavorable light to the IP. I would like to have seen Jesse show up to the IP convention and stake a claim to the IP nomintaion. That would have been great for the IP. I do think he would be a good leader. Just my biggest problem with him is his treatment of the media. It was funny at first but grew old after that. If you know anything about what happens to buildings when they burn then you might understand how and why those buildings went down the way they did. It has to do with contstruction and heat. Just talk to an engineer and someone that is well versed in fire fighting tactics. Remember they had to clear that building because of the towers were unstable. Also remember as well that when those towers went down it measured a 3.5 on the Richter scale. Those buildings were not built for that kind of trembler. From someone I used to know that was near, 4 blocks away from the perimiter, said it remineded him of California when it would rumble. He was there in the late 80’s when they had those big ones in San Fran. Anyway, we have to listen to those on the ground. They knew what was going and and uderstood what was happening.
    Back to Jesse. I still think he would be good for the IP. He just needs to show up at our events. Be more proactive. I sort of like the candidates that we have but we don’t hear much of them. I would have rather have them do debates and have a longer run at vieing for the nomination than just be handed it to them.
    Diane, the IP is a great party. We just need to get people excited. The one person that is running that I believe has a great shot at winning his District is David Dillon. I have met him and I think he would be great for our state. He is smart and gave me the impression that he will lead and listen to those that elected him. I hope you get a chance to meet him. He had my support from the get go because he got me to believe that he will do what is right for Minnesota and thus our Nation. It is time that we move forward and I do believe that David Dillon will do just that.
    I think Jesse would be able to do the same if he would befriend the media. That is my only problem really I have with Jesse, otherwise he has my vote.

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