The Manhatten Branch of the Libertarian Party of New York is likely to nominate Francis M. Powers, age 47, for the U.S. House seat, 13th district. The 13th district is centered on Staten Island. The incumbent, Republican Vito Fossella, is not running for re-election.
What makes this newsworthy is that the Republican nominee for the same seat will probably be Frank H. Powers, who is the father of Francis M. Powers. See this article. The Libertarian local nominating convention is June 9. The younger Powers says he is not running in order to damage his father; instead, he says he is running to reduce the chances that the Republicans can keep the seat. If by any chance the Libertarians don’t nominate him, he says he will run under an Anarchy ticket. In either case, he needs 3,500 signatures by late August in order to be on the November ballot.
He should also be listed on the ballot as Frank Powers.
Someone had said that was a smear site. I went there to check it out, and while it might not make Barr look all that great- There is nothing there that is not true. It seems more like a fact site then a hit site. So before posting that it is a smear site. You should do some fact checking, you must not be that familuar with Bob Barr or Wayne Root. So for whoever posted that message. If you think that the facts make Barr or Root look bad then maybe you just shouldnt vote for them. You mentioned that the domains were for sale. If the Barr Camp cared they would just buy the domains. If any one else wants to check out the site and make their own determinatin if it is a smear site, I will leave the link. Its like barr root08… here it is.