Politico Essay on Influence of Nader's Runs on Democratic Party

See this essay by Jeremy Lott, which ran on Politico on June 11. Lott points out that Al Gore ran in 2000 as a rather conservative Democrat, unlike the Al Gore of today. Lott also says that the Democrats have become more populist since the 2000 campaign, and concludes that Nader’s runs for the presidency in 2000, 2004 and 2008 have been one cause of this somewhat changed Democratic Party.


Politico Essay on Influence of Nader's Runs on Democratic Party — 5 Comments

  1. This makes my day. The abundantly intellectual Mr. Lott visited us over at Green Party Watch to leave this brilliant observation of my comments about another piece written by James Antle III.

    Anonymous said…

    You are a dumbass — Jeremy Lott

    This from the best and brightest Politico and their corporate spokespeople can bring us. Sheesh.

  2. If anything is the New Age Donkey Party now the New Age Marx – Lenin – Stalin Party of *Change* [to TOTAL communism] ???

    i.e. How many New Age Donkey legislators in *safe seat* gerrymander areas are hard core COMMUNISTS ???

    How easy is it to be a communist with the assets and incomes of OTHER folks ???

    See the 1917-1991 rotted corpse of the ex-U.S.S.R. regime — full of lots of folks killed / enslaved by such regime.

  3. i.e. How many New Age Donkey legislators in *safe seat* gerrymander areas are hard core COMMUNISTS ???

    Exactly zero.


  4. From the article link:

    …Democrats will never be this liberal because there are far too many who are scared. If we were the party of Nader, we would wholeheartedly be pushing forward true universal healthcare, not the crap I’ve seen in this election. We would also be shouting about immediate withdrawal from Iraq, not funding it over and over again. We would be against the death penalty without shame. There are numerous issues the Democrats are not nearly liberal enough on to be the “party of Nader”. This article is ridiculous and it makes me sad at the same time that Nader doesn’t have such influence on our party. – commenter “little birdie”

    That about sums it up for me. This article is a pleasant fantasy, that’s all. So Obama can pay flowery lip service to humane values. Big deal.

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