Cindy Sheehan Has 3,500 Signatures

Cindy Sheehan, who hopes to be the first independent candidate for U.S. House on the California ballot since 1996, has 3,500 signatures as of June 23. She needs 10,198 valid, by August 8. The Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party have endorsed her, as has Cynthia McKinney. She is running in the 8th district, which includes most of San Francisco. The only parties that have nominated someone for that seat are the Democratic, Republican and Libertarian Parties.


Cindy Sheehan Has 3,500 Signatures — No Comments

  1. It’s too late for the Green Party or the PFP to nominate her. The primary was in early June, and California ballot-qualified parties can’t nominate any way except by primary.

  2. I guess we’ll know by July 15 if Sheehan has the cash to make the deadline?

    Maybe now the GP and PFP in SF can lend a hand/expertise? How much would that kind of signature gathering cost in one month in SF?

  3. Another 10,000 signatures would probably cost $15,000, but that’s because some people would work for less than the going rate in California, just because they approve of her.

  4. The Cindy Sheehan campaign ought to get on the ball if they want to qualify for the ballot. They should have enough “juice” to make it past this ballot access hurdle.

  5. Well she has more than a month to get the rest so it seems like she has a chance. That said, she needs to book it in order to have a comfortable buffer.

  6. The Sheehan mafia ‘get on the ball’? Well, I guess that they’d have to start some time! Loopy, stoner, every- thing- is- AOK grin, and out of district trips. These folks could mess up a two vehicle parade! Such a shame as Nancy P. is such a shill!

  7. Thank you, Richard, for the info.

    Well, if Sheehan doesn’t happen, lordee this year is all abt the Left f-ing up.

  8. Yes, I also think that her campaign should use some of the contributions to pay for signature collectors. It looks like that is the only way for her to get enough signatures in time. It would be a shame if she didn’t even make it on the ballot.

  9. over 13,000 signatures turned in!
    Money Bomb For The Peace Mom August 6th!
    “At the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends,” Martin Luther King Jr.
    Nancy Pelosi was entrusted with the responsibility of ending the war and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The war rages on and Nancy has refused to hold those accountable for this immoral war based on lies. Cindy for Congress is asking the country to stand up against injustice and stand with Cindy Sheehan again on August 6th.

    August 6th is Hiroshima Day. Hiroshima is a vivid example of the potential destruction US Foreign policy can bring to people all around the world. The USA is the only country to ever have used a Nuclear weapon in battle. It’s time to stop. We must hold the administration that led us into an unjust immoral war based on lies accountable. You don’t have to live in the 8th District of California to see that Nancy Pelosi is not interested in PEACE and you have a stake in Cindy’s race for Congress! Send a message to Nancy Pelosi that she was wrong to take impeachment off the table and continue to fund BushCo’s war! Support Cindy Sheehan for Congress in her run against Nancy Pelosi in the 8th district of California!
    August 3rd is also the third anniversary of the day Cindy Sheehan first sat down in the ditch outside of George W. Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch to get him to answer the question, “For what noble cause,” did he send her son Casey to die in Iraq!
    Stand with Cindy again on August 6th!

    August 6th can be the beginning of a shift in paradigm from policies of fear, murder and destruction toward a consciousness that fosters policies of trade, sovereignty, self-determination, cooperation and peace.
    Let’s make August 6th a day to let Nancy Pelosi know that we, as a nation are serious about peace and holding those accountable who do not stand with us.
    You don’t have to live in the 8th District of California to see that Nancy Pelosi is not interested in PEACE or ACCOUNTABILITY and you have a stake in Cindy’s race for Congress! The nation is affected by Nancy Pelosi’s actions and the nation can send Nancy a message by contributing to Cindy Sheehan for Congress on August 6th.
    Let’s money bomb the PEACE MOM, Cindy Sheehan on August 6th.
    Add Cindy on Facebook or MySpace.
    Start setting aside to donate to Cindy For Congress on August 6th
    Tell your family and friends! Please use your social networks, email lists and websites to distribute this message to your friends.
    Print out our flyers to help you get the word out.
    Thank you!!

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