Constitution Party Presidential Campaign HQ Will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Chuck Baldwin, Constitution Party presidential candidate, opens his campaign headquarters on June 24. It will be at 5500 Division St. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The campaign chose Grand Rapids because the Constitution Party has a strong organization in that area.

The Libertarian presidential campaign hq is in Atlanta. The Nader campaign hq is in Washington, D.C. Assuming Cynthia McKinney gets the Green nomination, her hq will probably be in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Constitution Party Presidential Campaign HQ Will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan — No Comments

  1. For Immediate Release [June 23, 2008]

    — (San Francisco) Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Joins Cindy for Congress as Honorary Co-Chair as No-Strings Occupation and War Funding, Telecom Immunity Bills Are Ushered Through Democrat-controlled Congress

    McKinney: “The point was to change Washington, DC, but instead Washington, DC changed Nancy Pelosi”

    As a sign of tightening opposition to the string of hope-reversing policies being put forward by Speaker Pelosi, Green Party Presidential and pro-peace candidate Cynthia McKinney agreed to serve as an Honorary Co-Chair of Cindy Sheehan’s campaign to oust Nancy Pelosi from Congress. “Nancy Pelosi needs to phone home, because it’s clear that she’s forgotten the values of the people of California who sent her to Congress. The point was to change Washington, DC, but instead Washington, DC changed Nancy Pelosi,” commented McKinney, a former colleague of Pelosi.

    McKinney first declared her independence from the national leadership that voted its complicity in war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the peace at an anti-war demonstration in front of the Pentagon in March of 2007. At that time, McKinney lamented that the Democratic majority in Congress had failed to repeal the Patriot Acts and the Bush tax cuts, introduce and pass legislation for a livable wage and investigate the Pentagon’s admitted “loss” of $2.3 trillion. McKinney bolted the Democratic Party afterwards, declaring her candidacy for the Green Party’s nomination in December 2007. Today, McKinney adds to that list Democratic leadership’s failure to pass legislation providing for a single payer health care system in our country and its inaction on the foreclosure crisis gripping homeowners.

    McKinney first publicly endorsed Cindy’s Congressional campaign last year in Kennebunkport, Maine near the home of George Herbert Walker Bush. According to McKinney, “Cindy’s campaign is increasingly important today as the only way left to put peace, impeachment, and our values back on the table.” McKinney added, “Cindy continues to show us the power of one, the power that is within every one of us. Moreover, Cindy Sheehan can win.”

    “Having Cynthia on board is a significant gain for my campaign. She has experience in tough campaigns and brings a wealth of knowledge. I am running to win, we have already raised close to $200,000 and everyday we get more and more support as people get more fed up with Pelosi’s mis-leadership,” says Sheehan.

    Since the Democrats assumed control of Congress, according to some reports, an additional 1,200 U.S. troops have died and nearly 10,000 more have been wounded, with tens of thousands more Iraqi civilians killed. Hundreds of billions of additional dollars have been appropriated for war and occupation under Pelosi’s watch and she took impeachment “off the table.” Both Cindy and Cynthia are members of the New Broom Coalition, founded by Dr. Carol Wolman, the California Green Party’s First Congressional District candidate, a Coalition that seeks to empower the people by putting a clean sweep to Congress.

    Currently, McKinney is preparing to head to Chicago for the Green Party Convention July 10 – July 13. Sheehan is anchored in San Francisco campaigning for the first hurdle of collecting 10,198 signatures needed to get on the ballot in November as a ” Decline to State / Independent” candidate.

    More information is available at or

    Don Lake: Any one heard of [California’s] ‘Independent Voice’ or [NYCs] ‘CUIP: Committee for Unified Indenpendent President [or words to that affect] ????

    Like the transplanted reform types [Californians Valli Sharpe Geisler, John Coffey, John Bambey, and John Blare], so called Independent Green Party [in states with established Green Party USA affiliates] SPOs, and single state not involved with other organizations [their words, not ours] Independence Parties [Mn, NY, FL, others] the Independence/ Trump/ Bloomberg/ Unity08 movement just does not pass the ‘smell test[s]’…

    IV and CUIP

    have not endorsed any one but Democrats [like our guy congressional hope full Californian Charlie Brown verses GOP thug McCormick] and NO DECLINE TO STATE INDEPENDENTS, such as anti war icon [Californian] Cindy Sheehan!

    One a national level, they seem be a stealth branch of Unity08. [I am a former 08 registered voter and multi U of California focus group partisipant.]

    Cobb and LaMarche ruined the Greens for the short term by collaboration and puppeterring with the DNC in P2004. Are Frank MacKay and John Blair doing the same with the so called reform movement and the so called Independence Party in P2008?

  2. We believe that both of these addresses are connected to the BobBarr2008 effort [Doctor Paul Wayne Snyder, PhD]:

    Richard Vxxxxxxxxxxx
    9625 Surveyor Court
    Suite 400
    Manassas, VA 20110
    Or, email us at

    ThirdPartyWatch [2007 – 2008]
    Stephen Gordon [Bob Barr 4 Prez sell out]:
    Libertarian Party of Alabama
    2330 Highland Avenue
    Birmingham, AL 35205

  3. No, no. I am Rodney Martin.

    No, no. I am Rodney Martin.

    No, no. I am Rodney Martin.

    Frank MacKay is the de Facto [national] chair of [so called] the Independent Green Party of Virginia, yet another sneaky stealth misrepresentation effort!

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