Helpful New Hampshire Ruling for Petitioning

New Hampshire and Florida are the only states in which petition forms for minor party and independent candidates have room for the signature of only a single voter. This makes it necessary for a circulator to carry around a very large stack of loose pieces of paper. On July 10, the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office ruled that petitioners may punch three holes in each blank petition form.

The advantage of having holes in the petition form is that petitioners may then use a hole-punch clipboard, and thus create an orderly stack of petition forms. When one form has been completed by a voter, the petitioner can then flip that form over, and the next blank form is conveniently now facing up, ready for the next voter. The ruling was obtained by Eric Dondero, who is working on a Libertarian Party petition in New Hampshire.


Helpful New Hampshire Ruling for Petitioning — No Comments

  1. I actually fell prey to one of the bloggers like Disinter or Barr haters placing untruths as posts. I went against the number #1 rule don’t believe everything you read. I asked the LP about the bloggers at which is a web site that cleverly puts down the Barr campaign. Anyway they are saying Barr won’t be appearing on the ballot in New Hampshire. Here is the response from The National LP :

    Howdy Jonathan! Well, unlike these bloggers, you actually wrote to us to ask. We have started petitioning for Bob Barr in NH and have about 2000 signatures on that petition already towards the 3000 valid signatures we need for that effort. We are also suing the state over substitution on the previous petition. One way or another, probably both, we’ll get the Barr/Root ticket on the ballot there. Thanks.

    Please donate to the LP for ballot access at or at to help get Barr in West Virginia.

    yours in liberty – Sean Haugh
    Political Director

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