Founder of Connecticut Branch of Constitution Party Died Earlier This Year

Joseph A. Zdonczyk died on February 19, 2008, at the age of 79. He had founded the Concerned Citizens Party of Connecticut, which seems to have first appeared on the ballot in 1988. The party’s chief issue was opposition to legalized abortion, although the party took stands on a full range of issues. The party appeared on the ballot for most statewide offices, all years 1990 through 2006. Sometime after 1992, but before 1996, the Concerned Citizens Party became the Connecticut state affiliate of the Constitution Party. Zdonczyk was very skilled at mobilizing the resources to keep his party on the ballot. It never polled enough votes to be automatically ballot-qualified for president, but Zdonczyk’s expertise at petitioning put the Constitution Party’s presidential candidate on the ballot (under the label Concerned Citizens) in all years 1996 through 2004. Thanks to Cody Quirk for the news of Zdonczyk’s death.


Founder of Connecticut Branch of Constitution Party Died Earlier This Year — No Comments

  1. The CCP did not become the affiliate of the CT CP until after 1994. Mr. Zdonczyk had run for governor that year of course and a number of CP and paleocon types supported the independent candidacy of Tom Scott, who was running to the right of Republican John Rowland. Mr. Zdonczyk won 2% of the vote or so and came in 5th place behind Rowland, Dem nominee Bill Curry, the Weicker backed A Connecticut Party’s Lt. Gov. Groark and Scott. RIP Mr. Zdonczyk.

  2. There were some efforts to link the CP with the CCP in 1992 for the ballot, however they were all off the record.

  3. Perhaps this is why the CP is not expected to get Baldwin on the CT ballot this year.

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