On Friday, August 1, the Peace & Freedom Party held a presidential forum in Sacramento, in preparation for its state convention on August 2-3. Each of the four presidential candidates seeking the nomination had his or her own hospitality suite between 5 pm and 7 pm. Then, there was a 3-hour presidential candidates’ forum. The four candidates are Gloria La Riva, Cynthia McKinney, Brian Moore, and Ralph Nader. The room was filled to standing-room capacity, and the tone of the forum was friendly on all sides. All at the forum were vice-presidential candidates Stewart Alexander and Matt Gonzalez.
What time will the vote take place, and where can results be found?
Did anyone record the forum? Will there be video available at some point?
The voting begins at 4:00pm according to the Agenda.
4:00 pm on which day?
Today, I believe.
The nominating process begins today at about 2:30. Polidoc recorded some of the forum. Unfortunately, we were without our professional camera which suffered a blow-out earlier in the week, so our audio is poor. There were, however, two others taping yesterday with professional audio line-feed. There was also a blogger on site. More news to follow. I will be posting an article on our site sometime tomorrow as well.
Polished professional inclusive.
Whom ever had a hand in this stellar event
[Sacramento’s own Philip Sawyer ????]
deserves ‘kudos’ !!!!
From the lens of BAN, this sure puts
the GP, CP, and LP to shame…..
CNN any one ?????
Please can someone post the video footage of the debate on youtube. This sounded like an amazing event with candidates that all stand for peace, unlike a debate between McCain and Obama which is a choice of going to war with Iran or Pakistan.
Can’t wait to see Ralph Nader debate.
Hello Babette!
I’m the only one I saw with a laptop, I guess I’m the blogger. Did you happen to be the woman who asked the speaker to speak louder this morning?
Either way, hello and I will try to find you here after lunch.
One thing I’ve learned is that I am not a particularly good at reporting… it’s not my calling. I will be checking in for your report: http://www.polidoc.blogspot.com/
I’m posting my blather at the site in my name here..and reposting it at the Sam Seder Show Open Mic #3535
Suffice it to say that the majority of the Sam Seder Show Blog is Dem. and not particularly interested in my ‘folly’ here it seems…
You are doing a great job blogging this event!!
If there is a Peace and Freedom Party blogger I would be willing to put him on my webpage.
I had a hard time finding U.S. Socialists or Social Democratic bloggers.
I took some video and didn’t edit it or anything could be audible or not…
Hope you can see something..
Thanks Kevin…
There are delegates from your neck of this fine state here as well..I will give you their names as soon as I find them again…
Regarding Richard’s comments on Arkansas Educational Television Commission v Forbes, 523 U.S. 666 (1998).
I always thought that this opinion was really, really silly. Yes, their probably needs to be a cut-off point — for certain debates — to keep the debate under a certain lenght of time.
Yet, a debate on ‘public’ tv, should also be about educating the voters about their candidates choices. Balancing the two is really not that hard.
For non-partisan and local legislative races, invite every candidate on the ballot. Period.
For statewide and federal office invite all the candidates on the ballot if there is four or less.
If tthere are more, let them submit YouTube type files to be posted on webpage, frequently advertised during the debates. Simple.
At the last ND Governor’s race, their were only three candidates on the ballot. I think their might have been four on the ballot for US Senate or House.
The ND PBS only invited the two major party candidates. Several MN PBS stations pull similar stunts. I have written and complain, outlining the many better balances, and they always reply with, “well it would be nice, but the court says we can do whatever the heck we want.”
Hence, I refuse to donate ONE DIME to public televison, until they change this. If I have spear change, and want to support public media — I go for MPR — which at least tries to treat all candidates equally.
Again, is their anyone who wants to do more then just talk? I suggested proposing a constituitonal amendment.
Have fun and will check later on what’s going on.
I’m glad to hear that everything is going smoothly. I can’t wait to hear the soon to be released results!
So exciting and nervous! The first ballot has started and I am crossing my fingers that Phil Sawyer and others will prevail for Nader!
Well, it’s been over an hour (since 4 pm pdt), what’s the skinny?
Courtesy of the excellent blog mentioned above
Nader 46, La Riva 27, Moore 10, McKinney 6
So, unconfirmed, Nader is the nominee
I am pretty sure the Alice updated saying there would be no round two ballot. Seems like Nader is the nominee!
According to her blog though Mr.Camejo is fighting cancer. :{
Thanks all for the updates.
I don’t mean to appear dense, but which blog is being referred to by Laine? Thanks.
Could someone please tell me where this “excellent blogging” is going on? I don’t see any postings at any of the sites mentioned.
YES!!! It’s official. Ralph Nader is the PFP nominee! He’s captured the most important ballot line in the country for his candidacy!
Isn’t it exciting!? Congragulations to Nader-Gonzalez and thanks to Phil Sawyer and the other Nader supporting members of the Peace and Freedom Party.
I’m extremely excited that Ralph Nader has won the PFP’s nomination for president. I look forward to campaigning hard for Nader/Gonzalez in California and to growing the Peace and Freedom Party in California and beyond! I’ll be changing my registration to PFP first chance I get!
# Eric Garris :
Thx for being fair, objective and critical!
Richard Winger will treat you fairly, but
the zealots will praise you if you agree with them
and hound you if you do not….
The truth, the truth, the truth……
Thanks to all of you. Please see my comments under the other recent story on this event. Yes, Peter Camejo is fighting cancer. He gave an amazing and fantastic speech in support of the Nader-Gonzalez ticket. It was really stunning!
By the way, the “More Phil Sawyer” comments on this blog are not mine. If you click on the link, it goes to Don Lake’s Citizens for a Better Veterans Home organization. What is up with that, Don?
Just spreading the word,
starting with the phrase
‘via Donald Raymond Lake…..’
Ok, the original works document
did not transfer ‘via Don
and yes it was about you
[Mind Bending chain of events]
and the Friday nite events….
not by you, sorry for the mix up!
No problem, Don. The publicity is always welcome! (As the late Eugene J. McCarthy once quipped, “I am much too busy to work aganist myself.”) Yes, indeed, it is a “Mind Bending” situation. What a long, strange, trip it has been!
Here’s the deal (as Ross Perot would say): We are back to December of 1979 when the People’s Party (the national affiliate of the Peace and Freedom Party of California) imploded. To put it in a different light, we have picked up where we had left off twenty-nine years ago. (The Peace and Freedom Party is now being expanded to many other states.) During those 29 years, I have often thought that I had a slight idea of what John the Baptist must have felt (not that I am comparing myself to such a great man and I certainly do not want my head on a platter for President Bush). The bottom line is that 29 years is too much clock time to go by without being in the middle of seriously building a mass, progressive, Party of the People. It is what it is, though – as a currently popular slogan goes. We are now rebuilding and we need every progressive person in this country to join our cause. You can count on me to do my very best, every single day, to make sure that the Nader-Gonzalez/Peace and Freedom Party ticket carries the state of Califorina on November 4th; and, of course, you can count on me to be there after that too!
Well this would be the year for it.
I have not been ‘wowed’ by any president since FDR, although I give Truman and Ike passing grades.
Forty years ago I was very disappointed in RFK. And while I did not ‘see’ the second Kennedy assignation, I sure felt it, especially after MLK! When Bobby met his MYSTERIOUS end, I thot Eugene was next!
As a disaffected Nixon GOP, McGovern [I knew Eagleton personally] Dem, Ford GOP [until ONE NANO SECOND after the Nixon Pardon], Carterite, John Anderson/ National Unity, Mondale [did not care for Ferraro], Dukakius angry white college male veteran, I looked at PFP in the late 1980s and sure did not like what I saw.
Time after time, it seem like that they were not only the biggest bunch of small party hypocrites, but counter productive to the max —-no matter the soothing cooing of the party faithful.
If you need me or Reform Party USA national Vice Chair/ Reform Party of California state chair Rodney Martin as federal electors to ‘broaden the base’ that should not be a problem.
I have no desire to be active in PFP again, but as some one whom has been Reform Party USA, American Reform Party, Unity08, and Decline To State in the last three years, I could be talked into PFP registration after November —to help the cause. The stench of ctwebers’ abuse still hangs heavy.
Boy that Richard Winger is a secular saint. PFP ever going to lable him as a Libertarian?
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КраÑота — Ñто в общем-то гениальноÑÑ‚ÑŒ, даже больше, чем гениальноÑÑ‚ÑŒ, ибо она в объÑÑнении не нуждаетÑÑ.
Пока еще до конца непонÑтно, что там проиÑходит, но точно могу Ñказать, что Ñто не в лучшую Ñторону!