On August 5, an ATV/Zogby 4-candidate presidential poll was released. It shows: McCain 42%, Obama 41%, Barr 2%, Nader 2%, other and undecided 13%. The poll was conducted July 31-August 1 and is based on 1,011 voters.
On August 5, an ATV/Zogby 4-candidate presidential poll was released. It shows: McCain 42%, Obama 41%, Barr 2%, Nader 2%, other and undecided 13%. The poll was conducted July 31-August 1 and is based on 1,011 voters.
This is a direct result of the media’s tireless efforts to keep Bob Barr and other candidates out of everybody’s mind. No one knows who they are because the media refuses to cover them in any fashion.
Obama is now saying that he will only participate in the three CPD debates; presumably, then, he won’t be in the Google / YouTube debate. That could be good news, though. Whereas it looked like Nader might be shut out of the New Orleans Debate, now perhaps it could be a showcase for Nader. If Google / YouTube go on with the show, and make it a Nader vs. Barr debate, that will give Nader twice as much time to speak his message. Please contact the organizers of the event at:
and encourage them to invite Nader and Bob Barr to participate in the debate–with or without Obama (and/or McCain).