On September 17, Ohio elections officials confirmed that the Green Party will have a candidate on the ballot for U.S. House. He is Dennis Spisak, running in the 6th district (the district in southeastern Ohio that runs along the Ohio River). Although a court had ordered the Ohio Green Party placed on the ballot earlier this month, Spisak had not been a named co-plaintiff. Ohio elections officials recently asked him for proof that the Ohio Green Party had nominated him. He supplied that proof, and is now on the ballot. Ohio elections officials have been very fair to minor parties this year.
This is the first time a “left” minor party has had candidates on the Ohio ballot for U.S. House, with the party label, since 1972.
It’s about time. The two major parties have rigged the system, and this year it’s obvious they’ve colluded in running the country into the ground.
Vote 3rd/4th party, not for the “Evil of two major (parties)”.
yeah he’s in my district!