Canadian Election Leaves Same 4 Parties with Seats

Canada held a Parliamentary election on October 14. The results: 143 Conservatives, 76 Liberals, 50 Bloc Quebecois, 37 New Democratic, and 2 independents. The Green Party once more failed to win any seats. There are 308 seats.

Although no party has a majority, the dominance of the Conservative Party guarantees that the country will still be lead by that party.


Canadian Election Leaves Same 4 Parties with Seats — No Comments

  1. Interesting also is that the Liberals lost about 30 seats. This is to the benefit of both the Conservatives, who gained about 20, and the NDP, who gained about 10.

  2. Is it possible for all the other parties to form a coalition without the conservatives? Is there any chance of that happening?

  3. Bloc Quebecois would probably make an independence referendum and/or more autonomy for Quebec part of any coalition deal, and unfortunately, that’s a deal breaker for any of the federal parties of Canada.

  4. Seems like the Liberals and NDP work together on some issues, but not even those two combined can override the Conservatives, since the Bloc hold 2/3 of the ridings in Quebec.

    The Bloc is also seperate from the Parti Quebecois, which is the seperatist group, but they do influence some policies within the Bloc, and have members that are elected to Parliament representing the Bloc.

  5. Richard is not entirely correct. The Green Party did have one MP in Canada. His name is Blair Wilson, and he was elected as a member of the Liberal Party but changed to the Greens. He lost to the Conservative Party candidate, leaving the Green Party without any MPs.

    More details about the Canadian Green’s outcome can be found here, including stories from as far afield as China and across Canada.

  6. Actually, re-reading what Richard wrote, he was fully correct. He said that the Greens failed again to win a seat. The Greens did not win the seat Mr. Wilson held.

  7. I was watching the coverage last night on C-Span, thinking how refreshing it would be if our elections were even a little like theirs.

    Speaking of, the Greens would have picked up close to 20 seats, based on the vote percentage nationwide from the CBC site, under PR, and the Conservatives would have had an even smaller minority than they have, closer to 115 than 143.

  8. All the regimes in Canada are mini-copies of the EVIL and corrupt U.K. House of Commons —- carried into Canada with the U.K. regime victory over the French regime in the 7 Years War (aka French and Indian War) in the 1700s.

    The Canada national regime (House of Commons) is totally EVIL — a de facto monarchy / dictatorship in ther person of the prime minister — with all sorts of periodic major powermad scandals by the top EVIL party hacks.

    If the opposition with 165 seats has ANY brains they will DEMAND P.R. to end the gerrymander / plurality monarchy – tyranny in Canada since the 1700s.

    However – the leftwing powermad leaders have problems getting their acts together — NDP, Greens, Liberals — especially in dealing with the BQ secessionists in Quebec — who want Quebec to become an independent nation.

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