At Least 6 Minor Party Legislators Elected

At least six minor party legislative candidates were elected on November 4. The Progressive Party of Vermont re-elected David Zuckerman, Sandy Haas, Susan Davis, and Sarah Edwards. Also it elected a new member, Mollie Burke.

In Arkansas, Green Party nominee Richard Carroll was elected. He was the only candidate listed on the ballot, but two Democratic write-in candidates ran against him. However, Carroll received 83.1% of the total vote cast.


At Least 6 Minor Party Legislators Elected — 7 Comments

  1. There are probably some other independents elected to state legislatures besides the one in Wisconsin. I would be surprised if there aren’t any in Vermont, Massachusetts, and maybe other states.

  2. Good news for the Greens, but sad to hear about the Progressive Party’s losses. I hope they will recover.

  3. Either you’re a Republican/Democrat or you’re something else, you can’t be both Trent. Your friends should come out of the closet and register Libertarian already.

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