New York Presidential Write-ins

On December 4, New York State released its official election returns. For the declared write-in presidential candidates, the state totals are: Chuck Baldwin 614, Alan Keyes 35, Jerome S. White (Socialist Equality Party presidential candidate, who was not on the ballot in any state) 18, Brian Moore 10.


New York Presidential Write-ins — 5 Comments

  1. How bad a sign is it for the SPUSA’s grassroots efforts when their candidate finishes 3rd amongst openly Socialist candidates (LaRiva, Calero).. and finishes behind the Socialist Equality write-in in New York.

  2. The SEP should have had their convention much earlier so they would have done some petition drives and got on the ballot in a couple of states.

  3. Actually its not that sad at all. I blame keyes’ poor performance on the media bias because back in 2000 he got very good media coverage. But if everyone knew that he was running, he would have made a better performance.

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