Ron Paul 2008 General Election Presidential Vote

Ron Paul was on the November 2008 ballot for president in Louisiana and Montana. Those two states only accounted for 1.9% of the national presidential vote this year. However, Paul received votes in those two states equal to .82% (of the total presidential vote in those two states). Consequently, he received the highest percentage of the vote (in the areas in which he was on the ballot) of any presidential candidate last month, other than Barack Obama and John McCain.

Whether Ron Paul was a “candidate” for president in November 2008 depends on the definition of “candidate”. He did not ask to be put on the ballot.


Ron Paul 2008 General Election Presidential Vote — 9 Comments

  1. In the words of the great Ronald Reagan who took 49 states with patriot libertarians on his side “there you go again”.

    Libertarians are always hyping their numbers and failing to see the facts: Ron Paul got less votes per minute of airtime of all of the under 1% candidates.

    Nothing new from the Paul spin zone that always mislead the public with very bias poll data before weekly primaries. Corruption before election.

    Libertarian numbers are rigged by activists that lied to themselves after abandoning the real liberators of 300M – the Republicans.

    Make no mistake, there is only one party that can rightfully call themselves libertarians: conservatives. We did not partner with code pink to oppose democracy in Iraq. Code pink’s plan was to count on UN and accept enemy’s plan to fight here. Bush thought it more prudent to buy our kids 8 years of peace here. Paul learned nothing from Hitler – both men opposed to democracy in Iraq/WWII Poland. Only conservatives fought for right to life, liberty, and pursue happiness of all human life in America – true libertarians.

  2. Mo,

    Ron Paul is a Republican. The so called “republicans” you mention are neocons. Look for the return of the true Republican party in 2012.

  3. Neocons suck. Between now and 2012, at the county and state levels, Ron Paul republican activity will increase. This will be made all the easier because, frankly, the current neocon positions in the republican party is exactly why the presidential election was lost. Look for the likes of Gary Johnson to raise to the forefront. I appreciated Ron Paul’s message. I was registered Libertarian for 15 years, and while I agreed with many party positions, I also did not agree with all of them. When I heard Ron Paul’s message, I felt the blend of classic conservatism and libertarianism hit the nail on the head, at least for my political alignment. It was easy to switch parties to vote for him. The question is, will other republicans pick up on this message of liberty, freedom, and Constitutionalism? Or will the neocon position dominate the party? I saw the Ron Paul meetup group activities from the inside, and I can tell you that energy at the local level is not going away anytime soon.

  4. As a Canadian, I support the Ron Paul pro-constitution philosophy, because I see in him, the best chance for my country to survive as a independent & sovereign nation into the 21st century. The “possible annexation” of Canada in the name of American national security, has been on the public record since the “New Pearl Harbor” events of 9/11/01 (historically, American plans for the annexation, & or invasion of Canada, has been on the public record since the pre-Declaration of Independence era in the American provisional government of 1776).
    I will make a wild card prediction now. Before the inauguration of Obama in January, the “Judgment Day” of the worlds derivatives market, causes a complete collapse in the US currency (representing 50% of the total global currency value in circulation today), & Bush along with most other world leaders, are “forced” to declare Martial Law & suspends democracy as we know it, hence “justifying” the American invasion of my country. If I am off on this time line, it can only be by months, not years. The collapse of the completely unregulated & out of control multi trillion dollar derivatives pyramid, is inevitable. The ones at the top can choose the moment, to their best advantage, & they will.

  5. Let’s not forget that some Canadians (I believe they were from Quebec) had plans in recent times to conduct terror attacks on the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell. Other than that, I agree with the above comment, and love visiting Canada and stopping at Tim Hortons.

  6. Not that I want to raise hostility levels between Canada & the USA (heck, I even I married a American), but I will remind you all, that when Canada repelled the ill conceived American invasion forces of 1814, we retaliated for good measure, by storming Washington, & burning your White House to the Ground.
    Thanks to the foreign policy of the Harper government, we may well appear to be gladly “Holding the Coat of the Bully” right now, but America has not met the Independent Canadian Freedom Fighters Resistance Movement of the 21st century yet(mostly because it does not exist yet. History has proved that Canadians are more than capable of rising to the occasion, let’s hope that we do not have to prove it again.

  7. Gentlemen, gentlemen… let us have peace between the Americans and Canadians. Americans are incredibly ignorant of Canada, as they are of most other countries in the world. Many Americans who live within a day’s drive of Canada have never been there. Terry, you are probably overestimating the intelligence of Americans in even knowing who the “Harper” is that you are referring to. (He is the prime minister of Canada, by the way.)

    In any event, Earl has made a good hint about Tim Hortons. We should get more Americans and Canadians together at Tim Hortons for a double double and friendly banter.

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