California American Independent Party Internal Battle

Here is the decision of the California Superior Court in King v Bowen, handed down tentatively on December 19. The case concerns the identity of the true officers of the American Independent Party of California. Judge Michael Kenny still finds procedural problems in the case, and says the issue of which party officers are valid can only be settled by the filing of a new lawsuit.


California American Independent Party Internal Battle — 80 Comments

  1. Richard,

    There is an error in in what came out of the AG office, viz., Ms. Lynch errored who was the attorney appearing for James King. The Judge got
    it correct. Ms. Lynch errored. I am informed this error will be corrected in the near future.
    You may want to remove the posting until the correction is submitted a new for the attorney’s
    to sign off on a reformed document. I can’t see
    Mr. Brown allowing such a document to leave his office without the facts being correct.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  2. Thank you, Mark.
    But I don’t think readers here care that much about the identity of the attorneys, and even if they do, your comment is a means to set the record straight.

  3. Richard, plz leave the posting —- with Mister Steidenberg’s replay. [My, how some of wish for a lack of transparency when ‘things’ do not go our way! Standing or reversed, this is an excellent example of how the duopoly establishment grossly influences the alternative politics! As I have pointed out previously, the Reform Party of California has similar ‘problems’ with election official, Secretary of State, Debra Bowen [Democrat].

  4. The problem is with Bowen to a minor degree as while the documents she received were NOT properly reviewed the true problem was the fake document(s) submitted by the Keyes gang. Their fake documents were the basis for taking the case to court. If they had not lied then there would be no need for court. Of course since they knew that they could not win a honest vote in the party regarding the issue they then had a fake vote conducted from which they issued the fake documents. It is hence the fraud ( and the conpiracy to committ it ) that is the foundational issue. Investigation and prosecution by the Attorney Generals office + the civil suit will stop the corruption and lies of the Keyes gang.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  5. With the Reform Party and the success of Perot the Republicans decided that they had to destroy the RP. I have received multiple reports of Republican moles within the RP who worked to finish it off. Seidenberg was involved in that attack. After the RP the Reps then turned their attention to their next potential enemy, the CP, who they have attacked via the AIP to strangle it in its cradle. It is Republican money which is the fuel of the attack upon the AIP/CP. Keyes never left the Republicans. It was all a fake to destroy the CP via getting the nomination and when that failed the attack continued via the corruption of moles like Seidenberg and Robinson. There is a direct tie between the death of the RP and the attempted murder of the AIP/CP.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  6. The American Independent Party of California needs to secede from the Constitution Party of the United States. ConP is not going to go anywhere except for the dustbin of history.

  7. To Phil Sawyer,

    The American Independent Party on June 27, 2008 has
    been connected with the America’s Independent Party
    of Fenton, Michigan. The AIP has no connection with the Constitution Party. The Constitution Party is just history.

    To: Dr. Don Grundmann,

    You state it is Republican Money which is the fuel of the attack upon AIP/CP. Is the Republic funds
    going through Rayna Mike-King posted “Repubican
    Business Women of the Year” on her website? You
    also state a Seidenberg was involved in an attack
    on the Reformed Party. Which Seidenberg was that?
    Reason for asking is we have the same last name.

    Also, the only fake vote I am aware of took place in Los Angeles County on it so-called organizational meeting of the Los Angeles County Central Committee of AIP. Because the meeting had
    no quorum, viz., James King was a no-show at the
    Los Angeles County AIP Central Committee meeting
    no legal business took place at that so-called meeting.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  8. The behavior of various Deform Party operatives can not be explained by rational behavior: Valli Sharpe Geisler, John Dennis Coffey, The Texas Fosters, Ken Jones, John Bambey, Beverly Kennedy, Sandra [Insanity] Madison, John Blare. If the fake reform mind set exhibited by these freaks of nature and politics [preaching change while acting EVEN WORSE than the Democans and the Republicrats] were contagious, these guys would be under quarantine!

    Donald Raymond Lake

  9. Mark Seidenberg Says:
    December 25th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
    To Phil Sawyer,

    The American Independent Party on June 27, 2008 has
    been connected with the America’s Independent Party
    of Fenton, Michigan. The AIP has no connection with the Constitution Party. The Constitution Party is just history. … [snip] …

    Phil Sawyer responds:

    Certainly that version is one side of the legal case. I am interested to see what the actual verdict is going to be.

    At any rate, the correct action for the American Independent Party of California to take would be for it to not affiliate with any national party at this time (with the national Independence Party being a possible exception). The Party needs to concentrate on fielding the strongest candidates possible in every single race where there is a Republican Party candidate. In addition, it should try to reach out to more true populist elements in California politics – such as people in the Green Party of California, the Peace and Freedom Party of California, etc. The Party needs to work on changing its image from far-right conservatism to progressive populism.

  10. To Phil Sawyer:

    The minute order speaks for itself. You can find
    it under the Here tab under Exhibit A. It is now
    in Mr. James King’s court. As of now the issue of the writ of mandate it is overwith. Mr. King could file an appeal to the courtof appeals. My guess he will not, but if he does the Officers of the American Independent Party will defend the Party. On my part the next activity is with the California and Wisconsin Bar Associations.
    I already have the transcript of the December 19th
    hearing. Would you want to read the transcript?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  11. ” In addition, it should try to reach out to more true populist elements in California politics – such as people in the Green Party of California, the Peace and Freedom Party of California, etc. The Party needs to work on changing its image from far-right conservatism to progressive populism.”

    Response : This is confirmation of what I have stated that the Keyes rats in their hijacking of the party are total cowards who will not confront the crimes and corruptions facing the nation but will instead fully accept abortion, homosexuality, the FED, the IRS, the UN, ” global warming,” and all other attacks against the citizens since they are simply ” Republican Lite ” in their fake beliefs. Keyes is a total fake and is simply a fund-raising ” Potemkin Village ” cover for the Republicans. His entire ” career ” is dedcated to undermining any true opposition to the Plantation Masters of the nation. The ” image ” of the party is now that of its ultra corrupt hijackers – Keyes, Robinson, Seidenberg, Hoefling, and Noonan – of
    cowardly liars that is corrupt to the bone and beyond. The real leadership of the party such as myself will clean out the Keyes rats and restore the party to its dignity and honor as the one party which tells the truth to the citizens. The Attorney Generals investigation and the civil suit will destroy Keyes and his fellow rodents.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  12. ” At any rate, the correct action for the American Independent Party of California to take would be for it to not affiliate with any national party at this time (with the national Independence Party being a possible exception). The Party needs to concentrate on fielding the strongest candidates possible in every single race where there is a Republican Party candidate. In addition, it should try to reach out to more true populist elements in California politics – such as people in the Green Party of California, the Peace and Freedom Party of California, etc. The Party needs to work on changing its image from far-right conservatism to progressive populism.”

    Response : I must issue a ( temporary ) retraction regarding the portion of the above statement which I previously addressed because I attributed it to Mark Seidenberg rather than to its true author. I say ” temporary ” because, unfortunately, the principle is still true that his ( Alan Keyes ) corrupt element stands for ” Republican Lite ” acceptance of everything the author of the above stated. They simply haven’t had time to show and expose their corrupt hand yet. The ” populist elements ” referred to above may be more accurately represented as the ” sick elements ” because of the anti-humanity foundations of virtually all of the scams which they are pushing such as love for abortion and the total lie of man-made global warming which is designed to crush the working people of the entire world but especially of our nation. Only the real AIP and the CP will work to stop such crimes against our people, state, nation, and humanity as a whole. The Keyes gang, being the total cowards that they are, will betray the nation just as they have betrayed the party and the state.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  13. its funny to watch old grumpy men fight over imaginary power.

    vice chairmen of nothing.

    by the way who’s been watching the social revolution in greece. some pretty amazing shit. party politics are dead in the US. the rules are stacked against us. your dreams cant fill a ballot box.

  14. If we are going to save the nation we have to keep fighting on many fronts including party politics which are indeed almost dead but primarily because of the corruption of the participants who have seized control. The attempt to kill the AIP/CP may seem minor but the success of such a attack will indeed finally finish off party politics as the last possible obstacles to the NWO are progressively removed. It is not ” grumpy ” to oppose the corruption attacking our nation either against the AIP/CP or the countless other attacks on the nation as a whole. It is a necessity. Join us in the fight.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  15. Phil Sawyer responds: … [snip] … At any rate, the correct action for the American Independent Party of California to take would be for it to not affiliate with any national party at this time (with the national Independence Party being a possible exception). The Party needs to concentrate on fielding the strongest candidates possible in every single race where there is a Republican Party candidate. In addition, it should try to reach out to more true populist elements in California politics – such as people in the Green Party of California, the Peace and Freedom Party of California, etc. The Party needs to work on changing its image from far-right conservatism to progressive populism.

    Phil Sawyer adds:

    My statement may stand upon its own merits, thank you very much, Mr. Grundmann. The current image (as distinct frome the ballot statements) of the American Independent Party of California is extreme right-wing conservatism. The AIP needs to shed that image. Bourgeois, extreme right-wing, propaganda has seen its day come and go. There is no longer any “useful” purpose for it to serve.

    Down with the Republican Party! Long live the Proletarian Revolution!

  16. TO: Phil Sawyer,

    The AIP State Central Committee voted on June 27, 2008 to affilate with America’s Independent Party.
    We looked into other parties prior to that affilation. Even check into an affilation with our
    former affilation with the American Party, the party of Tom Anderson from 1976, some thought Bill
    Shearer would not approve and wanted to honor his memory, so the American Independent Party of Fenton, Michigan was selected.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  17. Well, it is your Party but it seems to me that the national Independence Party might have been a good fit also. My primary concern and hope is that the American Independent Party of California go after as many Republican candidates as possible – in the strongest way possible.

    Any person who is still a member of the Republican Party (after eight years of the neo-fascist Bush-Cheney Administration) should be ashamed of himself or herself (unless he or she has been in a coma) – let alone dare to stand for election to public office and ask for votes from the people.

    By the way, it is my opinion that the late and honorable Bill Shearer would not have objected to an affiliation with the American Party if that is what the majority of the members wished for.

  18. ” By the way, it is my opinion that the late and honorable Bill Shearer would not have objected to an affiliation with the American Party if that is what the majority of the members wished for.”

    Response : Bill Shearer was against virtually everything that Alan Keyes represents with the exception of his social policy ideas which are simply a fund raising veneer. There was no vote of the party to disaffiliate from the CP as the Keyes gang ( liars all like Seidenberg ) knew that they would lose a real vote and instead had a conference call where they, as a small part of the central committee, secretly ( separate from the majority of the committee ) voted to disaffilate from the CP. They then filed a false document with the Secretary of State office to validate their fraud. It is this action of deliberate and conspiratorial fraud and deception which will lead them all to jail for their corruption.

    ” Long live the Proletarian Revolution!”

    Response : Mr. Sawyer – Are you pining for the days of Stalin and firing squads? As the ” Proletarian Revolution ” is a total joke I presume that you are simply providing a good laugh with your comments.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  19. Don Grundmann seems to be confusing the American Party with America’s Independent Party. I don’t know much about the latter Party; it is very new.

    The Communist Party USA (of which I am am member) has rejected and condemned Stalinism and its evils in all of the forms that it has taken.

    The Proletarin Revolution is no joke; it is real and it is now happening. The real “joke” is all of the bail-outs of the bourgeois financial institutions (at the expense, and further suffering, of the working class). Another real “joke” is the neo-fascist Republican Party which, I believe, will be a minor-sized party by 2012 – along with the bourgeoise conservative Constitution and Libertarian Parties.

  20. THIS Independence Party/ Shadowy political operative Frank MacKay, in Sacramento a year ago for the suspect and questionable Reform Party USA ‘National [joke!] Convention’ in Christian Evangelical Zionist John Bambey’s apartment on ‘H’ Street. A $500 check was exchanged and then a month later MacKay was the [non existent titled] CEO of the [so called] Reform Party USA and then did NOT attend the court ordered and court monitored DFW July [joke] National Convention with its [joke] ticket of Ted [bring your employees as delegates] Weill and John McNalty [running for president on other tickets……..]

    P1992, Perot got almost 20% of the popular vote. Weill and company was [with our help] bounced off of the Kansas and Louisiana ballots. With only home state Mississippi [long ‘revered’ for it’s striking sanity] votes counted and counting, good ole Theodore got ALMOST 500 total, nationally! Landslide Weill!

    THIS Independence Party? Making slime look slimy?

    Reform Party of California openly nominated Nader.

    Independence Party of New York came up, out of the blue, with Insane McCane – Moose Girl Palin? How’s the drinking water in north valley?

    After two years of openly feuding with Ross Perot’s allies in the Reform Party, Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and his supporters bolted from the party to launch the new Independence Party in 2000. In departing, Independence Party, While this splinter party shared the Reform Party’s call for campaign finance and other political reforms, the IP shared Ventura disagreement with the more social conservative and trade protectionist views espoused by the Reform Party. The IP — which describes itself as “Socially Inclusive and Fiscally Responsible” — is pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-medical marijuana, pro-gun rights and fiscally moderate. The IP has fielded crowded slates of Congressional and state candidates in Minnesota in every election since 2000. While Ventura initially said he wanted to take this Minnesota party national and possibly field a Presidential nominee in 2004, few chapters exist in other states and the party did not nominate a 2004 Presidential ticket (although the Illinois branch endorsed Nader). Ventura’s retirement in 2002 was a blow to the IP, although former Democratic Congressman Tim Penny was a credible IP nominee for Minnesota Governor in 2002 (but finished a distant third). Also in 2002, IP co-founder Dean Barkley became the first IP member to serve in Congress when Ventura appointed him to the US Senate to complete the two months of a term left open by the death of incumbent Paul Wellstone (D). As for a national party organization, the Independence Party essentially doesn’t have one. It seemingly consists of separately organized state affiliates with no central national leadership or organization to coordinate activities. Thus, each state entity does goes its own way — and support (even in Minnesota) is clearly dwindling. The above link goes to the Minnesota IP. Other related links include: Independence Party of Florida (state affiliate), and the Independence Party of Illinois (state affiliate),

  21. All you America’s independent Party apologists:

    You say the CP is on its way out & you’re on the rise? Don’t make me laugh. The CP was on the ballot in 37 states, and had write-in access on 10 more states’ ballots in this year’s presidential race. This is a slight improvement over their 2004 37 ballot, 8 write-in showing. By comparison, America’s independent party got on 3 ballots, 1 of which was by a lawsuit(CA), 1 was by default from said lawsuit(FL), and 1 was by paying a filing fee(CO). It couldn’t even pay the $500 to get on the Louisiana ballot, and didn’t get on a single state ballot by petition. By its own admission, America’s Independent Party is primarily made up of Keyes supporters. (source: It didn’t even try to get candidates for congressional, state, or local races. Parties created with the goal of electing a specific candidate only last as long as that candidate.

  22. To: Dr. Don Grundmann,

    You are incorrect on the facts relating to the June
    27, 2008 meeting of the American Independent Party
    State Central Committee. The meeting was called by
    Ed Noonan, then Chairman of the American Independent Party. The first thing done at the
    meeting after an invocation and salute was to determine a quorum. We had a quorum so the meeting
    continued and a vote was taken to affliate with the
    America’s Independent Party. Because of proxies (a
    practice that Bill Shearer told me about) a majority of the State Central Committee voted
    to affliate with the America’s Independent Party of
    Fenton, Michigan.

    There was nothing sinester about the meeting. We used the internet to conduct the vote. The practice for that vote was approved at the State Central Committee in 2007. Even Don Grundmann voted in favor of the internet voting practice.
    As I recall the only person that objected to the
    proceedure was David Christiansen, but he could
    not get support from the floor at the 2007 Sacramento meeting. The use of the conference call
    was just to help members of the State Central Committee talk with each other. The votes were taken on line in total compliance with the Election
    Code and By-Laws of the AIP.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  23. “Phil Sawyer” the Red, suggested at #19 that “Don Grundmann seems to be confusing the American Party
    with the America’s Indendent Party.”

    To:Dr. Don Grundmann

    Are you confused Dr. Don Grundmann?

    To: Phil Sawyer

    E-mail your inquiry to Chairman Markhum Robinson of
    the AIP and he will give a web site address to learn more about the America’s Independent Party.
    I will pray that some day you will find G-d.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  24. I am so very sorry all of this has happened if for no other reason than it besmirches Bill Shearer’s legacy. I met with Bill two weeks before he passed away for an extensive interview as part of my research for an article about him and a book (on a related subject). Now I’m not sure what to write about Bill and the AIP, since the end of the story will be so lousy.

  25. Numerous, direct, personal voice mail with Philip The Red slide over to philosophy. He has mentioned a goodly godly amount of doctrine. My first hand evaluation is that one of the last things Phil Baby needs is your concern. I think he needs to pray for you more than you need to pray for him! BUT IS THAT REALLY RELEVANT?

    All kinds of lefties, socialists and communists have a theological base. The pre Catholic church was COMMUNAL in nature, VERY COMMUNAL. The SOCIALIST LABOR ADVOCATE whom penned the American Flag Pledge over 110 years ago was a well known and respected lay preacher [AMERICAN BAPTIST]. BUT IS THAT REALLY RELEVANT TO THIS SPACE?

    As the founder of the California American Independent Party has been quoted time and time again: “we are either a political party or a church —not both!” —- or words to that affect!

    So Markie Poo, are you posting as a political operative or a lay preacher? [The LAST thing I want in secular public administration is a theocracy……..]

  26. To: Peter Gemma,

    What some in the CP are doing to the AIP was wrong. I would suggest you write that William &
    Eileen Shearer were great people that cared about this state.

    Were can I read that article about William Shearer?
    What is the title of the book and where can I purchase a copy?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg

  27. Citizens For A Better Veterans Home[s] [aka Donald Lake] wrote:
    December 28th, 2008 at 1:49 am

    … [snip] …
    Reform Party of California openly nominated Nader.
    … [snip] …

    Is that correct, Don? In 2008? If so, that is very good news (even though the election is over with). If the Reform Party of California is alive and well, it seems to me that it should attempt to regain ballot status by disbanding, forming a Reform Party Caucus, and joining, en masse, the American Independent Party of California. By 2010 (or 2012, at the latest), the Reformers should be able to capture the levels of power of the AIP. Furthermore, the left-wingers of the Reform Party should come on over to the Peace and Freedom Party. We would love to have you join us. Aside from the obvious benefits, it will help also to counter the anarchists and libertarians that are talking about joing our Party and trying to “lead us” (God forbid). Can you imagine anarchists leading any group anywhere except for into chaos and entropy (such as is the current nation of Mexico)? (Yes, I admit I have been writing all of this stuff for quite some time now.)

  28. ” You are incorrect on the facts relating to the June
    27, 2008 meeting of the American Independent Party
    State Central Committee. The meeting was called by
    Ed Noonan, then Chairman of the American Independent Party. The first thing done at the
    meeting after an invocation and salute was to determine a quorum. We had a quorum so the meeting
    continued and a vote was taken to affliate with the
    America’s Independent Party. Because of proxies (a
    practice that Bill Shearer told me about) a majority of the State Central Committee voted
    to affliate with the America’s Independent Party of
    Fenton, Michigan.”

    Response : We finish the year with Mark Seidenberg being the same lying bastard. There were 7 people at most on that phone call after the deception of your fellow liars Noonan and Robinson to make sure the majority of the committee was not in on a vote. Tell your lies to the Attorney General office. I am so glad that God created a place called Hell so that no matter what happens on earth ( no matter how corrupt any judges/courts are that aid Seidenberg and his fellow God-damned liars ) Mark Seidenberg will burn forever for his outright lying and corruption. It is a very reassuring thing to know.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  29. ” To: Peter Gemma,

    What some in the CP are doing to the AIP was wrong. I would suggest you write that William &
    Eileen Shearer were great people that cared about this state.”

    Response : Peter, you can write a good ending for your book. It will tell of how the backstabbing liars of the Keyes corruption team ( Seidenberg, Robinson, and Noonan ) were defeated. The end of the book may take a bit to occur but you can be assured that as sure as the sun rises the Keyes rats will be defeated and the party will rise again. Noonan, Robinson, and Seidenberg have stabbed the Shearers in the back and spit on their graves but they will be stopped. Their end is found in their beginning. Their ” party ” was founded on corruption and it is their own corruption, including especially that of their souls, which will bring them to their ruin. A ruin which will be richly deserved.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  30. TO: Don Grundmann,

    Please stop the disinformation. You are not an officer of the American Independent Party. The last office you held, a national committeeman ended
    on September 2, 2008. Don, you state “that as sure
    as the sun rises the Keyes rats will be defeated
    and the party will rise again”. Under the leadership of Markhum Robinson, AIP Chairman the
    party is on the rise. We are getting organized
    all over California. Nationally the America’s
    Independent Party is the 3rd largest polical party in the Country.

    I see you have not studied or read anything on the
    subject of astronomy. The sun does not rise. The
    Earth is in orbit around the Sun. Or maybe the world is in orbit around Dr. Don Grundmann. Stop
    calling yourself a Vice Chairman. I was re-elected
    Vice Chairman of the American Independent Party at
    the American Independent Party State Central Committee meeting on July 6, 2008 located in the
    auditorium of the California Secretary of State
    Building, Sacramento, CA. Thank G-d you did not
    show up at that meeting of the State Central Committee. The prior day July 5, 2008, over the objection of other delegates to the AIP convention, I let you talk about
    silver coinage and your back problems before you
    walk out of the open door of the auditorium, which
    you claimed in July was locked & closed to you on the way in. Every other delegate to the 2008 Convention figured out how to open the door. I even
    figured out how to open the door to that auditorium, and I was the one with the honor of being elected chairman of the 2008 American Independent Party’s State Convention.

    Don, does your last posting mean that I am back in
    the “rat gang”, which you said I was temporarly re-
    moved from by you, because you could not remember
    who make some statement?

    The officers of the American Independent Party are
    not in either a “rat” or “weasal” “gang”. We are
    working hard to build the AIP.

    Note in Kansas City when I took the first of several tallies on how to cast the vote of California, since I was the elected head of that
    delegation, I asked Don Grundmann how he wanted to
    cast his vote of president. He informed me that
    he wanted to vote for himself. The other delegates
    casted there votes for Keyes, Baldwin, & Corsi.

    Don Grundmann asked me to change his vote to Baldwin. I did that as he directed. Bottom line Don Grundmann could not get one other delegate from California to vote for him. What does that tell you?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  31. ” To: Phil Sawyer

    E-mail your inquiry to Chairman Markhum Robinson of
    the AIP and he will give a web site address to learn more about the America’s Independent Party.
    I will pray that some day you will find G-d.”

    Response : Mr. Sawyer. If you ever want to find God you can start by looking at which way Mark Seidenberg is going and then do the opposite. For a lying and totally corrupt rat like Seidenberg to talk about finding God, or even praying ( except to Satan ), is a total laugh. It is unfortunate that 3 major religions – Mormon, Christian, and Jewish – are smeared via the AIP having outrageous liars from each claiming to represent them as with Noonan, Robinson, and Seidenberg. God exists but don’t be deterred from finding him by the actions of corrupt people like Seidenberg, et al. Satan wants to stop us from believing in God by having evil people way lay us from finding the truth. Finding God is the greatest ” revolution ” that can ever happen for people either singularly or collectively.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  32. ” Don Grundmann asked me to change his vote to Baldwin. I did that as he directed. Bottom line Don Grundmann could not get one other delegate from California to vote for him. What does that tell you?”

    Response : Mark – Why don’t you back up your lies with some of your Republican money? I will bet you $100 that your statement above is a lie. So you can put up or shut up.

    ” Every other delegate to the 2008 Convention figured out how to open the door”

    Response : I can track down the guard who had to open the locked door. A $1,000 bet on it. Once again you as a professional liar can put up or shut up.

    America’s Independent Party – the fake ” AIP ” and founded on the corruption of Alan Keyes – is going nowhere except the jail cells of its founders when they are brought to justice.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  33. Look at what Don Grundmann is doing now. He has
    showed his Constitution Party true colors. Grundmann states “It is unfortuate that 3 major
    religions-Mormon, Christian, and Jewish – are smeared via AIP having outrageous liars from each
    claiming to represent them as with Noonan, Robinson, and Seidenberg.”

    So Dr. Don Grundmann is telling BAN readers that
    LDS members are not Christian. I can not see why
    any LDS member would stay in the Constitution Party
    with people like Don Grundmann claiming leadership
    ln that cabal. If you are in the CP and want a home without religious name calling join the America’s Independent Party. We will great you with open arms.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, American Independent

  34. TO: Don Grundmann

    By “Repubican Money” , are you making reference to the funds of Rayna Mike-King (wife of Jim King who lost his request for a new trial in the case of King v.Bowen, on December 19, 2008, to in the Superior Court for Sacramento County, when he tried
    to hijack the AIP) who was removed for office by the State Central Committee of the AIP for being
    a registered Republican in Los Angeles County?

    Don Grundmann you hold no office in the American
    Independent Party. It is a false statement to call
    yourself a Vice Chairman of AIP and claim that AIP
    is a branch of the Constitution Party. The AIP unlike you is not anti-LDS Church.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Indendent Party.

  35. Don Grundmann Says:
    December 28th, 2008 at 3:33 pm
    ” [sic] To: Phil Sawyer

    … [snip] … Response : Mr. Sawyer. If you ever want to find God you can start by looking at which way Mark Seidenberg is going and then do the opposite. For a lying and totally corrupt rat like Seidenberg to talk about finding God, or even praying ( except to Satan ), is a total laugh. It is unfortunate that 3 major religions – Mormon, Christian, and Jewish – are smeared via the AIP having outrageous liars from each claiming to represent them as with Noonan, Robinson, and Seidenberg. God exists but don’t be deterred from finding him by the actions of corrupt people like Seidenberg, et al. Satan wants to stop us from believing in God by having evil people way lay us from finding the truth. Finding God is the greatest ” revolution ” that can ever happen for people either singularly or collectively.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

    Phil Sawyer responds:

    Well, Don, I have my own personal relationship with Jesus Christ and I belong to the Presbyterian Church USA. So I do not need any religious advice from you or anyone else but thank you for your thoughts anyway.

    The more you level personal attacks on Mark Seidenberg and other people, the more that I think that his side of the legal argument may be correct. If you go into court talking like that, I think that you will get the same reaction from the Judge and Jury.

    When some people find themselves on the losing end of the debate on the issues, they start up with the personal attacks. That is a sure way to lose the debate completely.

    Here is a thought: Perhaps you and your associates should create a California affiliate of the Constitution Party of the United States and leave the American Independent Party alone.

  36. ” So Dr. Don Grundmann is telling BAN readers that
    LDS members are not Christian.”

    Response : The never ending lies of Mark Seidenberg. I have never said that Mormons are not Christian. You inferred that; i.e.; you made it up like so many other lies. I knew that you would imply that because I know what a liar you are. You took the bait. It is who you are. It is your nature. I have defended Mormons countless times. I even defended Ed Noonan many many times until I finally ” got it ” that he, like you, is a liar to the bone and beyond. I have given Mormons credit for many things such as passing both Prop.22 and Prop. 8 against pervert marriage. Both would have failed without the Mormons. What I DID say and will tell everyone is that Ed Noonan is a total liar and a disgrace to the Mormon church. He casts slime and shame upon Mormons just like you do on Jewish people. If people looked at you as a example of Jewish people it is no wonder that people would end up despising Jews because they would see how fantastically corrupt you are. Fortunately true Jewish people can give a good example of the religion but they have to work triple overtime plus to make up for the dirty image which you give to the religion through your lies, corruption, and using your religion as a shield to hide your true rat nature. It is so unfortunate that your actions are so degrading to the true jewish religion just as Ed’s lying casts such a cloud of dirt upon the Mormons. True Mormons and Jews don’t deserve to be dragged down into the mud by the likes of rodent liars like you 2. I have always defended Mormons. Bill Shearer defended Mormons too and look what YOU and Ed did to him. YOU stabbed him in the back and totally betrayed him. May God damn you for that and so many other betrayals and lies. Any Mormon or anyone else who trusts you for one second is a fool. It is only a matter of time until you betray them as that is your nature. You are a betrayer.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  37. ” When some people find themselves on the losing end of the debate on the issues, they start up with the personal attacks. That is a sure way to lose the debate completely.

    Here is a thought: Perhaps you and your associates should create a California affiliate of the Constitution Party of the United States and leave the American Independent Party alone.”

    Response : Mr. Sawyer, I am glad that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Members of the Communist Party are not known for their personal relationships with Christ so you are unique. It is also unique that you are still alive as in the ” good old days ” of the party you would be in Siberia at best if not dead. I attack Mark Seidenberg, Mark Robinson, Ed Noonan, Tom Hoefling, and Alan Keyes because at the core of the issue they are no different than Stalin, Trotsky, Lenin, Kaganovich or any other liars – Communists or not. I must admit that I was very naive only a short time ago in the AIP as I never imagined that fellow party members could possibly be as corrupt as the above rats are. How wrong I was and how naive I was!!! I was living in a silly land where I imagined those around me to be honest and trustworthy while all the time they had been patiently waiting for even years to spring a trap on the AIP to ensure its destruction. They all had different motives. Mark Robinson wanted to be glorified as a ” Parlimentarian ” extrordinaire, so much so that he was willing to break any and all parlimentary rules ( which he repeated claimed he would uphold and did until he knew that he would lose if he didn’t break them ) of the very party which he was supposed to protect in order to get his moment of ego glory. Mark Seidenberg has been on a mission for years to destroy the party. He wormed his way into the good graces of the founder Bill Shearer and then waited for the moment when as a Republican operative he could do his assignment of destroying the party and turn it into a wimpy ” Republican Lite ” copy of Republicans that, just as they do, stands for nothing. A glorified social party. He put the knife into the back of the very person that defended him. Ed Noonan simply wanted revenge against those who he claimed were anti-Mormon so he attacked the very party ( the CP ) and the very people ( Bill Shearer ) that defended the Mormons more than anyone else. His revenge and hatred are what claimed his soul as he betrayed those who had more than anyone else defended him. Alan Keyes is simply a hack assigned by the Plantation Masters of the nation to throw a wrench into any opposition to them which comes from the Christian side of the political aisle. He is well paid by his PM masters. Tom Hoefling is simply his political sidekick. Corruption doesn’t phase either of them as they will do all the lying it takes to accomplish their termite goals. You can call my comments personal attacks. That is fine with me. What is truly important is that they are 1) accurate and 2) the truth. The supposed and frequently claimed virtue of Communism may actually be there. I will make that allowance for you. But human nature killed any chance of any possible goodness of Communism ever occurring. Human crap like Stalin, etc. guaranteed that no good could ever come from Communism or anything else they touched. Similarly the human nature of Seidenberg et. al. – liars, thieves, cowards, backstabbers, and betrayers in the extreme – guarantees that their fake ” AIP ” party will do nothing but drag the state and nation down simply because its founders are ultra corrupt. The AIP of Shearer, despite any of his mistakes, at least had a honesty about it. It had a truthfulness that no other party has. Now that is gone and it has been replaced by the stench of a sewer pipe of corruption led by Keyes and his fellow rats. It will be cleaned up. The corruption will be stopped. Human rats like Seidenberg et. al. will be brought to justice. If the AIP had been changed by a fair election/vote I would say nothing and would move on to create the Constitution Party in California. But that fair vote did not happen. I have described the corruption and the crime in other posts just as I have described the criminals. The crime will not stand and neither will the criminals.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  38. ” Phil Sawyer Says:
    December 28th, 2008 at 9:20 pm
    You need medication, Don.”

    Response – Mr. Sawyer, I hope that you find something worth fighting for and defending in life instead of lying down and letting corruption walk all over you.

  39. The 2008 – 2010 officers of this party were elected
    at the organizationing AIP State Central Committee
    meeting on July 6, 2008 in the Auditorium of the
    California Secretary of State Building. That Auditorium was provided by the California Department of State for the American Independent
    Party to conduct its organizational 2008 State
    Central Committee Meeting of the American Independent Party. Ed Noonan called that meeting
    location because he was the State Chairman of the
    American Independent Party.

    Now we have a Dr. Don Grundmann who tells people that he is “Vice-Chairman American Indendent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party”

    This is not true. I was re-elected Vice Chairman
    at the American Independent Party State Central
    Committee meeting on July 6, 2008.

    Some how Dr. Don Grundmann started to call himself
    “Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party.”
    Then we have Mr. James King, who started to call himself “Chairman of the American Independent Party” in the year of 2008. With Mr. King we
    had someone elected in 2002 for a two year term,
    which ended in the year 2004.

    I remember a duo named General Waste More Land and
    General Hersey Bar from the time I was in graduate
    school. That was the only thing close to the duo of Grundmann & King, viz., two former officers out
    of office by September, 2008 (former National Committeemen) claiming they are the Vice Chairman & Chairman of the AIP without even attending the American Independent Party 2008 organizational meeting of the State Central Committee located in
    the Auditorium of the California Secretary of State
    Building, Sacramento, California on July 6, 2008.

    Neither Mr. King nor Dr. Grundmann has stated who
    if anyone else claims to be officers with them
    of the California branch of the Constitution Party,
    &/or the “American Independent Party” or how they
    claim such office titles.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  40. Don Grundmann, et al:

    I haven’t written the article on Bill Shearer (although the extensive research is about done) because it’s so depressing to see how the AIP has disintegrated into small people with big titles. I’ll get to it eventually, but I will now have to frame it differently since the CA party is kaput: no one likes a story where the hero loses. I’ll try to sell it as a bio of a national third party activist, taking specific examples of Bill’s impact on CA.

    The book is a biography of Congressman John Rarick, the 1980 AIP presidential nominee. My heath and wealth issues (the lack of both) made me put that project on hold for a year or so, but I want to finish it in 2009. BTW, JR is 85 and still doing well.

    ~Peter Gemma

  41. TO: Peter Gemma,

    I got the point “it’s so depressing to see how the
    AIP has disintegrated into small people with big
    titles”, and VERY BIG HEAD.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  42. Peter : The AIP is not ” kaput.” Under attack – yes. But the corruption of the Keyes gang will not stand. They have simply had everything go their way to this moment – corrupt judges, lazy government departments – which has allowed them to reach what they consider and claim to be total victory. That is a joke/laugh just like they are. I will be contacting the Attorney General office in January with the evidence to start their prosecution for fraud and all other appropriate charges like grand theft, conspiracy to committ fraud, racketeering, etc. There will also be the civil suit. These will take time and the rats will do all that they can to suppress the evidence as much and as long as they can since that is the only possible way that they could win since the evidence is utterly overwhelming of their corruption, lies, and fraud. Every party has adversity just as Bill Shearer had in starting the party. But the ” Big Picture ” is that the Keyes rats are already dead. It is just a matter of nailing their coffin shut after the stake is put through their black heart substitutes. There are multiple additional fronts upon which they shall be attacked and destroyed. They cannot possibly survive. So have a wonderful New Year and plan on writing that last wonderful chapter of the AIP. Actually it will be a ongoing journey for once the Keyes rats are destroyed the party will rise to its greatest heights and keep on going up. It will be a long battle to save the party but it will be well worth it not only for the value of the AIP/CP but that we will provide a California example of how to fight and defeat the worst political corruption possible. We will give inspiration and hope to all of those across the nation who are fighting their own locally home-grown rats. So be of good cheer and join/enjoy the fight with us. Have fun while you see and participate in the destruction of evil in the nation. I hope this note finds you well. Best to you,

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  43. Don Grundmann Says:
    December 28th, 2008 at 9:55 pm

    … [snip] … Response : Mr. Sawyer, I am glad that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Members of the Communist Party are not known for their personal relationships with Christ so you are unique. It is also unique that you are still alive as in the ” good old days ” of the party you would be in Siberia at best if not dead. … [snip] …

    Phil Sawyer responds:

    From the Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America (amended July 8, 2001, 27th National Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin): “Article III (Membership); Section 1.: Any person living in the United States, 18 years of age or over, regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, or religious belief, who subcscribes to the principles and purposes of the Communist Party shall be eligible for membership. The age requirement for admission to membership may be waived in individual cases by a majority vote of the State or District Committee, when, in its judgement, special circumstances warrant.”

  44. TO: Phil Sawyer:

    You stated that the 27th National Convention of the
    CPUSA took place in Brewtown. That was the same town that James King’s lawyer did a Court Call from
    in King v. Bowen on December 19th. I am informed
    that Mr. King let a person not licensed to practice
    law in California appear for him in court.

    At the 2008 convention of the American Independent
    Party, held in the Auditorium of the California
    Secratary of State Building on July 5, 2008, I was
    elected its Chairman. Delegate Don Grundmann was
    marked present, but delegate Jim King was a no- show. Jim King was also a no-show at the organizational meeting of the Los Angeles County AIP Central Committee for 2008 causing a non-quorum
    of that body. Therefore, the AIP State Central Committee will have to organize AIP in Los Angeles

  45. Mr. Sawyer : As is well known Russia had a excellent written ” Constitution ” under Communist rule. The problem was that they ignored it while in power. A similar situation occured with the AIP. We had party rules to follow for the proper functioning of the party and representation of its members. These were simply ignored by the Keyes gang ( since they are political gangsters just like the Communists ) when they wanted to take power. Fortunately here in the United States we have the possibility of their prosecution for their crimes although we have the ” wild card ” of a legal system that each day mimicks the former U.S.S.R. more and more. Although I completely disagree with the Communist perspective and would be glad to debate/discuss the issue with you at any time I am glad that in our nation, unlike the former Russia, you may ( at least on the surface ) express and expound your views/vision to the greatest degree possible. I hope that your party is not plagued with the fantastic corruption and corrupt persons which are currently attacking the AIP/CP.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  46. Any political party is only as good as the collective whole of the people who make it up. I’m sure that the American Independent Party of California has a lot of good people in it. The current fighting among factions reminds me of what happened to the Reform Party of the United States. One would hope that the AIP gets it together fairly soon and finds a way to avoid the same fate (shrinking to almost nothing).

    This would be the perfect time for a Reform Caucus (or a “Progressive” Populists Caucus) to attempt to take over the AIP: “Strike while the iron is hot,” as the old saying goes.

  47. Dr. Don Grundmann asseverates (#46)at 11:17 am that “As is well known Russia had a (sic. Don
    the word should be “an”) excellent written Constitution under Communist Rule”. In 1968 as
    a student at Long Beach State College, I had to read the Soviet Russia Constitution for my Political Science class. One part of reading that
    trash, cause me to join the NRA that very day on a
    3 year membership. I still can quote that part today, viz., Chapter 2, Article 3g which stated
    “The complete disarming of the propertied classes
    are hereby decreed”.

    Should we refer to him as the Red Don? Is his views a cause to to have the American Independent
    Party conduct a trial of the Red Don?

    I would like to here from AIP Registered Voters if
    we need to remove him from the party for cause.

    This could be a violation of the long form of the
    loyalty statement.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  48. ” I would like to here from AIP Registered Voters if
    we need to remove him from the party for cause.

    This could be a violation of the long form of the
    loyalty statement.”

    Response : We end the year with a concrete example of the profound stupidity of Mark Seidenberg. Unfortunately it is a totally benign quality in comparison to his 24/7 capacity for endless outright lying. Fortunately the new year wil see the end of his pollution and poisoning of the AIP along with his fellow gangsters. We are one day closer to seeing the end of the Keyes gang and their betrayal of the nation. At least we can end the year also on a good joke, albeit a extremely sick one, of Mark Seidenberg – he who as a Republican operative and funded by Republican money has totally betrayed the founder and all principles of the AIP – writing about a ” loyalty statement.” Very rich and very very sick. But considering the source, from one of the most corrupt political operatives in the nations history, it is to be expected.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  49. It has been about 24 years since I viewed the movie
    Red Dawn. Now we have a sequel, Red Don. He stated at # 46, December 30, 2008, “As is well known Russia had a (sic.)excellent written Constitution under Communist Rule.” He also called
    the LDS Church non-Christian at # 35, December 28th at 6:56 pm.

    Since September 3, 2003, Red Don as not been an
    Officer in the AIP, Can you guess why? Red Don
    days are numbered when he gets expelled from the
    State Central Committee of the AIP.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  50. He also called the LDS Church non-Christian at # 35, December 28th at 6:56 pm.

    Response : Yet another lie. I am so glad that God created hell for liars such as yourself. It is so reassuring to know that you will fry forever for your lies, your criminal acts, and your corruption. Your finish is coming. You will be brought to justice both now and in your existence to come.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  51. Don Grundmann was correct for once, viz., it was not #35, I made an error by the number and the time. It was #31 (not #35) and it was 3:33 PM
    (not 6:56 PM).

    Dr. Don Grundmann stated in part: “…even praying
    (except to Satan), is a total laugh. It is unfortunate that 3 major religions – Mormon, Christian, and Jewish – are smeared…”

    Dr. Grundmann is telling us there that members of the LDS Church are not Christian.

    As some of you may know, I am retired from the United States Department of Agriculture and know
    well the kindness of President Ezra Taft Benson,
    who was our Secretary of Agriculture.

    In fact his nephew is my doctor. In 1967, I helped, in the draft movement for Ezra Taft Benson
    for President of the United States. This was at a
    time that Ronald Reagan would not consider running
    for that office.

    Dr. Don Grundmann, was a delegate to the American
    Irndependent Party 2008 Convention which was held in
    the Auditorium of the California Secretary of State Building on July 5, 2008 in Sacramento, CA.
    I was elected chairman at that convention. I gave him the floor. His statement from the floor was about silver coinage and his back problems.

    Now “Red Don” is saying the the LDS Church is not
    part of the Christian Faith. The LDS Church is Christian.

    “Red Don” also goes on about how he is the “Vice-
    Chairman” of the American Independent Party. Plus
    a statement that the American Independent Party is
    the California branch of the Constitution Party. These statment are not true, nor correct.

    1) I was elected Vice Chairman of the American Independent Party at the American Independent Party
    2008 organizational meeting at the Auditorium of the California Secretary of State Building, Sacramento, CA on July 6, 2008. Said meeting was
    called by the then AIP Chairman, Ed Noonan, who held office as chairman until September 3, 2008.
    The meeting had a quorum, yet Dr. Don Grundmann did
    not attend (even though he attended the AIP state
    convention the day before). It should also be noted that delegate Jim King of Los Angeles County,
    unlike delegate Don Grundmann did not attended the
    2008 AIP State Convention on July 5, 2008 in Sacramento.

    Jim King did not attend the Los Angeles County 2008
    organizational meeting for the Los Angeles County
    AIP, thereby preventing that body from obtaining
    a quorum.

    “Red Don” can not explain why he is using a false title.

    Sincerely, Mark Seiidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party.

  52. ” I was elected chairman at that convention. I gave him the floor. His statement from the floor was about silver coinage and his back problems.”

    Response : ” Silver coinage????” Told just as a liar would tell it. I said that all of the traitors and backstabbers ( and you call that taking about ” back problems ” ) were Judases who were taking 30 pieces of silver just as he did. And you then say that I spoke about ” silver coinage.” You ended the year lying and you start the next year by lying. What a surprise.

    ” Now “Red Don” is saying the the LDS Church is not
    part of the Christian Faith. The LDS Church is Christian.”

    Response : The greatest defender of the LDS church was Bill Shearer who you totally betrayed. The party which defended the LDS church was the Constitution Party which you betrayed. And then you lie that I have smeared the LDS church. The greatest political enemy of that church is your rat Alan Keyes ” party ” which has attacked the greatest defenders of the LDS church. It is Alan Keyes and your fellow rats who have attacked the LDS church more than anyone else. The whole nation will soon know of this attack as ALL of your corruption will be exposed. Your rock is going to be lifted up and you rats are going to be finished off. That will be my ” New Years gift ” to the country.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  53. Don Grundmann states that Bill Shearer was the
    greatest defender of the LDS Church. No dought.
    The issue is what Dr. Don Grundmann states about
    the LDS Church. He states that the LDS Church is not Christian.

    Don Grundmann still has not stated why he is stating he is a “vice Chairman of the American
    Independent Party and why he also stating the AIP is a branch of the Constitution Party.

    Sincerely ,Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.
    a part

  54. Don Grundmann at # 53 at 11:03 am on January 1, 2009 states “that all the traitors and backstabbers
    were Judases who were taking 30 pieces of silver
    just as he did” Don when you gave your address to your fellow delegates to the 2008 AIP Convention
    at the Auditotium of the California Secretary of State Building on July 5, 2008, I was getting only
    bits and pieces of your floor speech. I heared the
    part of “pieces of silver” and “back” and thought
    you had a problem with your back with stabbing pain. I viewed it as a bad back. On the issue
    of pieces of silver, I took the statement as either
    a remark on the silver content of coins or some kind of support for a silver standard in the money content. Wow, so you were talking about items in the New Testiment.

    You still have not explained why you do not conside
    the LDS Church as Christian. I for one believe the
    LDS Church is Christian and I believe that Church takes the view they are Christian also.

    You still need to stop calling yourself an officer
    of the American Independent Party. Your last day as an officer ended on September 2, 2008.

    Stop lionizing the Soviet Russian Constitution. It is a very bad writing.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  55. ” On the issue
    of pieces of silver, I took the statement as either
    a remark on the silver content of coins or some kind of support for a silver standard in the money content. Wow, so you were talking about items in the New Testiment.”

    Response : Mark, I was not talking about ” items in the New Testament.” I was stating that YOU, as with Judas of the New Testament, are a traitor, backstabber, and liar just as he was. YOU are a Republican operative who wormed your way into the good graces of Bill Shearer in order to eventually betray him and destroy the AIP and the CP when the moment was right. Bill Shearer, a staunch defender of the LDS church, was betrayed by YOU. YOU put the knife in his back. The Constitution Party, which has continuously defended Mormons, was betrayed by YOU. It, as with the AIP, was betrayed by YOU, Alan Keyes, Mark Robinson, Tom Hoefling, and ( most incredible of all ) a self-proclaimed Morman, Ed Noonan, who, as with YOU, betrayed the greatest defenders of the LDS church/Mormons. YOU, with your fellow rats including the fake Mormon Ed Noonan, have betrayed the LDS church and Mormons more than anyone else on the political scene in not only our state but the nation as a whole. YOU, as with your fellow rats, are a liar. YOU, as with your fellow rats, are a modern day Judas; willing to betray the entire nation for your own ” 30 pieces.”

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  56. Warning Don Grundmann has not been an officer the
    the American Independent Party since September 2,
    2008. He was removed from the post as area director by Chairman Ed Noonan last year.

    Don Grundmann is making a false claim that he is a
    Vice Chairman of the American Independent Party and
    that the AIP is a branch of the Constitution Party.

    Don Grundmann did no show how he can claim to the
    officer of theion party American Independent Pary, such as
    Vice Chairman or how the American Independent Party
    could be a branch of the Constitutiong?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  57. ” Warning Don Grundmann has not been an officer the
    the American Independent Party since September 2,
    2008. He was removed from the post as area director by Chairman Ed Noonan last year.”

    Response : Yet another lie by Mark Seidenberg but then again 1) when does he do anything else ( answer – never ) and 2) is he capable of doing anything else? ( answer – No ). Ed Noonan was replaced, by majority vote of the Central Committee of the AIP, as Chairman by Jim King at the Los Angeles convention of the AIP on the last weekend of June 2008.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  58. TO: Dr. Don Grundmann,

    You stated that “Ed Noonan was replaced, by majority vote of the Central Committee of the
    AIP,as Chairman by Jim King at the Los Angeles
    convention of the AIP on the last weekend of
    June 2008.” 1) Are you now stating that you
    did not receive note from Ed Noonan that you
    were removed as an Area Director? 2)Are you
    saying that the Los Angeles County Central
    Committee of the AIP held a convention during
    the last weekend in June, 2008 and replaced
    the Chairman of the State AIP with Jim King?
    3) Who called the convention in Los Angeles
    and what authority was it called under? The
    by-law and election code of the AIP require
    the convention of the AIP to meet in a community
    in Sacramento. Do you believe a few members of
    the Central Committee or even a majority (which
    I know were not in Los Angeles that weekend) can
    override section of California Election Code and
    the By-Laws of the party that require conventions
    in Sacramento every two years? Also, do you believe other officer were reply at what you call
    a AIP Los Angeles convention? If so. who.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  59. I just noticed a typing error in the above # 59. I stated the word “reply” when I mentioned the word
    “replaced” as the first word of the fourth line from the bottom.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  60. Mark/Nitwit : 1) Ed was replaced as Chairman so I don’t care what he sent to me or in this case did not send. He is a lying rat anyway so who cares what he says or does? The bottom line is that he is corrupt to the bone. The most incompetant and, especially, lying ” Chairman ” in the history of any political party in our nation. 2) The Central Committee of the AIP replaced Ed at the state convention in LA. 3) Your Sacramento argument is a fraud. The court cases, especially the civil suit, will show your fraud. 4) A majority of the Central Committee was at the convention. Hence yet another lie by you in your never ending river of lies.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  61. To help the readers of BAN only the State Central
    Committee of the American Independent Party by the
    election code an by-laws can set the location of the 2008 convention. The State Central Committee of the AIP set the location at the auditorium of the California Secretary of State Building on July
    5, 2008. On June 27, 2008 the State Central Committee of the AIP voted to connect with the
    America’s Independent Party of Fenton, Mich.

    During the last weekend in June, 2008, a
    AIP party officer that was not a delegate to the 2008 convention or member of the State Central Committee call to order a bogus meeting in Los Angeles and in violation of California Election
    Code sections 7570, 7608(b), & 7608(b). Dr. Grundmann asseverates that he was elected at that bogus meeting Vice Chairman. That meeting was no
    an authorized meet of the AIP, and that event was void.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  62. I just noted that I stated California Election Code
    section twice, viz., section 7608(b). It should of
    stated California Election Code Sections 7570, 7608(b) and 7620.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  63. To Don Grundmann,
    Almost every one that reads this new item except
    Dr. Don Grundmann knows that the lawsuits are over
    with. First, Jim King files a writ of mandate and
    losses. Second, On December 19, 2008, Jim King motion for a new trial was not granted. He is a
    two time losser like you. It over unless he files
    an appeal.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg

  64. Notice!

    Dr. Don Grundmann attended the 2008 Convention of the American Independent Party. Date: July 5, 2008. Location: Auditorium of the California
    Secretary of State, Sacramento, CA.

    Jim King did not attend the 2008 organizational meeting of the American Independent Party for
    Los Angeles County. Therefore, it lacked a quorum.
    Los Angeles County AIP will need to be reorganized.
    Any registered vote in the AIP should contact AIP
    Chairman Markhum Robinson and can express you interest in being part of AIP County Central Committee.
    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
    Vice Chairman, American Independent Party

  65. TO:

    I am informed that Dr. Don Grundmann at his Los Angeles bogus convention voted for an open convention. This was to allow anyone off the
    street that showed up to vote. This was because
    they, viz., King, Grundmann, etc. need to get additional bodies .to the Los Angeles (bogus) Convention.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  66. ” He is a two time losser like you.”

    Response : We, and especially I, am going to kick your ass. We may have ” lost ” twice via your corruption but you, as a God damned lying asshole, will lose just as your fellow rats will lose. Jim is also honest. He is not a liar as you are and always will be. Jim will wake up tomorrow as a honest person. You will wake up the same tomorrow as today – as a God damned liar. You are the loser – now and forever.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  67. ” I am informed that Dr. Don Grundmann at his Los Angeles bogus convention voted for an open convention. This was to allow anyone off the
    street that showed up to vote. This was because
    they, viz., King, Grundmann, etc. need to get additional bodies .to the Los Angeles (bogus) Convention.”

    Response : Yet another god-damned lie by Mark Seidenberg. Everyone at the L.A, convention was a member of the AIP in good standing. We had almost double the number of participants compared to the fake rat convention in Sacramento. We didn’t lock the doors to prevent people from attending. You did. We had a cerified parlimentarian who was there to monitor and confirm that all actions taken were in accord with AIP by-laws, Roberts Rules of Order, and any and all other applicable rules. You didn’t and hence broke those rules throughout your entire fake ” convention.” We didn’t have a fake ” vote ” on the phone. You did. We informed the entire Central Committee of our meeting. You didn’t which is how you had your fake phone ” vote.” We didn’t file fake papers with the Secretary of State office. You did. That is how we will kick your lying ass. You will answer to the Attorney Generals office for your fraud and conspiracy to committ fraud. The civil suit will bring everything into the open and expose you for what a God damned liar you are. Then we will see who is a ” loser.”

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  68. TO: Dr. Don Grundmann:

    Stop with the disinformation! I was the elected Chairman at the 2008 Convention of the American Independent Party. You were a Delegate to that Convention. The location of that Convention was in the Auditorium of the California Secretary of State Building in Sacramento California. It was on Saturday, July 5, 2008.

    Have you or Jim King ever read the following three
    sections of the California Election Code, which the
    By-Laws of the AIP direct inforcement.

    California Election Code section 7570: “location designated by the state central committee at 10 a.m. on a Saturday following the direct primary
    election, but in no event later than August 15.”

    California Election Code section 7608(b): “committee will meet in Sacramento.”

    California Election Code section 7620: “committee
    shall convene in the same community where the state convention is held, at 10 a.m. on the Sunday following the State Convention.”

    Is there any part of these three sections you do
    not understand? You were marked present at the
    AIP 2008 Convention, because you were there in
    person. As the elected Chairman, I gave you the
    floor over objects from the floor, so you could
    air your views on “backstabber” and “30 pieces of

    I was not on a telephone conducting a vote at the
    convention. Did some tell you that I was conducting a vote over the telephone? If so, who
    gave you that disinformation?

    As you can see the American Independent Party can
    not hold conventions outside of Sacramento. The
    State Central Committee directed the location of
    the American Independent Party Convention 2008
    at the Auditorium of the California Secretary of
    State Building, so we could hear the speech of the American Independent Party’s choice for President of the United States, viz., Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes.

    Again, Jim King lost twice in his lawsuits against
    Secretary of State Bowen. The lawsuit is over with, unless he files an appeal.

    Why do you state “The Civil suit will bring everything into the open and expose you” etc.?

    The suit has been over since Jim King became a
    two time loser on December 19th, 2008. Do you
    know if he is going to appeal? Are you going to
    appeal as a next friend?

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  69. To the liar Mark Seidenberg : You write of following rules and reading codes but you have no hesitation in breaking all rules and codes as when you had your fake phone call for your fake vote to separate from the CP. No quorum and with the majority of the Central Committee deliberately kept in the dark of the ” vote ” even if it was legal which it wasn’t. You knew that you would lose a honest vote so you simply lied in order to avoid that problem. You then file a fake document – a total lie – with the SOS office to maintain your lie. A open and complete fraud and lie. You are just like your fellow liar Mark Robinson – you talk about following rules and codes until the second that you break them to continue whatever lie(s) you are telling. May God damn you for your evil. May the Creator curse you in every second of your existence and burn you alive both now and in Hell.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  70. TO: Don Grundmann:

    I was elected Chairman at the July 5, 2008 convention of the American Independent Party.

    The American Independent Party did not have “fake
    phone call for” any vote I took as Chairman of the
    AIP convention on July 5, 2008. We did not have
    a phone call other than Alan Keyes calling to address the convention. Ambassador Alan Keyes
    was giving a speech, he was not casting a vote
    at the convention over the telephone. Dr. Keyes
    was not a delegate to the convention so he could
    not vote.

    We had no vote at the convention to separate from
    the CP. Because the State Central Committee on
    June 27, 2008 joined the America’s Independent Party of Fenton, Mich.

    We had a quorum at the convention, If fact we had several delegates over the quorum with the proxys.
    We did not need your vote. If you would have arrived on time. You would have known the convention had a quorum.

    I have not filed fake documents with the SOS. I do
    remember seeing fake documents in the SOS files, showing that Nancy and Ann stated that Nancy was the State Chairman of the AIP, When Ed Noonan was the Chairman.

    Bottom line I have no clue as what you are talking about. Please stop with the disinformation.

    Further, I conducted a proper convention.

    Sincerely, M

  71. I just noted my closing did not go through. Sorry
    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

    TO: Don Grundmann,

    I was trying to remember where I read a reply like
    the one you stated in # 70. I now remember, it was
    a statement by Ms Emily Litela on SNL. You talk
    about a phone call vote at the convention and other
    types of disinformation that did not happen. You
    state there was something wrong with the July 5,
    2008 convention other than the convention did not
    go your way. Again I am tell you the convention
    was conduct fairly. I should know, because I was
    elected Chairman at the Convention. I am expecting Dr. Grundmann to make more false statements. Then he will repeat the disinforation over and over again. Then he will figure that Ed
    Noonan was the best Chairman ever and repeat Ms.e
    Emily Litera by saying “nevermind”.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party

  72. ” We had no vote at the convention to separate from
    the CP. Because the State Central Committee on
    June 27, 2008 joined the America’s Independent Party of Fenton, Mich.”

    ” Bottom line I have no clue as what you are talking about.”

    Response : Yet ANOTHER example of what a God damned liar you are. You know EXACTLY what I am talking about but you write of no vote to separate at the convention. It was your 6-27 ” vote ” that was the fake phone vote with no quorum that you based the fake ( lie ) ” separation ” document on that you gave to the SOS office. You know exactly what I write of but you put out the smokescreen to cover for your damn lies. We will see what the Attorney Generals office says about your cluelessness.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  73. TO: Don Grundmann:

    Thank you for now stating “Nevermind” in your own
    way. It was not as cool as “Emily Litela” but you
    are know not complaining how I conducted the 2008
    Convention of the American Independent Party, on
    July 5, 2008, at the Auditorium of the California
    Secretary of State Building. Since, I was elected
    Chairman at that convention, I conducted the meeting fairly. Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes and
    Pastor Dt. Wiley Drake, Sr. were the picks of the

    Now you are complaining how the American Independent Party State Central Committee conducted
    part of the vote on June 27, 2008. You state that
    the “6-27 vote that was the fake phone vote with no
    quorum”. The voting was done on the internet so we
    did not vote by a “fake phone”. However, what do
    you mean by a “fake phone”? Is a computer a “fake
    phone” in your mind? You voted to approve “internet voting” back at the 2007 American
    Independent Party State Central Committee Meeting conducted also in the Auditorium of the California
    Secretary of State Building. As I recall the only
    person at that meeting who objected to “internet voting” was David. You voted in favor of internet
    voting. Why are you now complaining of a process
    of voting that you approved of a year and a
    half ago? If you would like to change the voting
    proceedures of the AIP, why not bring it up at
    a State Central Committee Meeting. However, at the
    2007 AIP State Central Comittee Meeting the one
    conducted at Sacramento, you voted to approve the
    current voting process.

    You are incorrect, the meeting of the American Independent Party State Central Committee of June 27, 2008 had a quorum. That meeting was conducted
    properly. It was call by the State Chairman of
    the American Independent Party, viz., Mr. Ed Noonan. I am the Vice Chairman of the American
    Independent Party and believe the meeting had a
    quorum with many extra.

    Don Grundmann, I have no idea what you mean by a
    “fake (lie) separation document”. What is that
    document you are trying to tell me and the BAN
    readers about? Don I do not know what you are
    writing about here. This is no a smokescreen,
    you write in the style of Ms. Emily Litela of

    Don Grundmann is not an officer of the American
    Independent Party, I have no clue why he want to
    call himself by a title that I have. I expect him
    next to start calling himself Mark Seidenberg. His
    last day as an officer in the American Independent
    Party was September 2, 2008.

    Are you filing an appeal as a “next friend” to Jim
    King for King v. Bowen? I believe Jim King will not
    appeal from information I have received.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.


  74. Mark : I address your continuing lies as follows : 1) The entire Sacramento convention was a fake as the real convention was in Los Angeles a week earlier so it doesn’t matter how you ” conducted ” it. 2) You know that the use of the internet/phone was never meant to be used for issues such as the suppossed disaffiliation vote of Friday the 26th. 3) You know damn well that only a tiny minority of the Central Committee was on that phone call as that was exactly how you wanted it since you knew that you would lose a honest vote. 4) Tell your story to the Attorney Generals office. I will be showing them the evidence of your fraud and conspiracy. May God damn you for your evil.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  75. Mark : I have written extensively regarding your corruption and that of your fellow liars/rats so after this I won’t be commenting again on this thread but I must note that more than anything else – more than your endless lies, more than all of your totally corrupt actions, more than any of this ( which is bad enough ) – you are a complete and total coward. Of course that is a key character trait of your entire gang – Keyes, Hoefling, Robinson, you, and Noonan. Cowards one and all. You knew that you could not win a honest vote so you did everything possible to avoid and bypass it. It is your cowardice that will bring your downfall. You crow now as if you had won. You will find out what a laugh this is. You will be exposed for, and will always be remembered for, your cowardice above all other things. This will be your legacy. It will be all that history remembers of you.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  76. TO: Don Grundmann:

    First, Stop the disinformation. You are not an
    officier of the American Independent Party. I
    was elected Chairman at the 2008 American Independent Party Convention on July 5, 2008
    at the Auditorium of the California Secretary of
    State Building. The American Independent Party is
    not a branch of the Constitution Party. Don Grundmann is not the Vice Chairman of the American
    Independent Party.

    Next: Don Grundmann stated that “You know that the
    use of the internet/phone was never meant to be used for issues supposted disaffiation vote on Friday the 26th.” Is Don Grundmann stating the a
    phone that can bring up the internet is a “fake-phone”? Next, does Don Grundmann mean by “Friday the 26th, December 26th 2008? A vote of disaffiation on December 26, 2008 is news to me.
    I am not a computer person, so I have no clue why
    a phone that can do text messages is not a good
    phone to conduct party business.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  77. You two should do what our Founding Fathers did and duel each other with guns. It is the honorable way and ordained by the Creator.

  78. To me:

    My paternal grandfather was the last to duel in my
    family. It was not with a gun, but with a saber.
    it was in the 19th Century, circa 1878 as a university student in Germany.

    He had a renommiersschmiss on his face. When my father asked him how he got it. He told him as a
    child I was bit by a horse.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg

  79. The horse may have bit your grandpappy…but the horse shit on you Monsewer Seidenberg.

    Isn’t there a shower we could send you to?

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