US Supreme Court Puts Brewer v Nader on January 16 Conference

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether to hear Brewer v Nader at its January 16, 2009 conference. This is the case in which the Arizona Secretary of State hopes to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to hear her appeal, over out-of-state petitioners, and whether an early June petition deadline is unconstitutional, at least as applied to independent presidential candidates.


US Supreme Court Puts Brewer v Nader on January 16 Conference — No Comments

  1. FYI. Not necessarily a recommendation:

    Citizens For A Better Veterans Home, struggling to warn the public about the ongoing failure of veterans programs, not just more lethal, politicized, uncaring programs that create hack patronage jobs, spend taxes in constituent communities, while doing little or nothing for real veterans, their real families, with their real problems…. ..

    — On Sun, 1/4/09, Don Lake wrote:
    From: Don Lake
    Subject: New Frontier Coalition: [We The People Coalition] DC Rally
    To: Citizens For A Better Veterans Home[s]
    Cc: donlake@localnet. com
    Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 5:58 PM

    — On Sat, 1/3/09, Viktor Komodo wrote:
    From: Ohio’s Virginia Brooks and her John Birch Society buddies
    Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 9:48 AM

    Remember, before the Deform Party Israel First Jewish Mafia
    [John Dennis Coffey, John Blare, John Bambey, Valli Sharpe Geisler]
    killed the national web log and house organ print monthly [2005]
    Ted Webster [now dead, thank good ness!] and Virginia Brooks
    cranked out issues of NFC monthly while denying such involvement
    and making excuse after excuse for the lack of Ohio based Deform
    Party USA national convention, $900 seed money, and timely
    copies of Deform Party print monthly. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


    “Here is the challenge. Can we get enough people to take a couple of

    hours out of their day to send a message to DC? The following press

    release is being sent to most of the national media outlets. We are

    hoping the various groups will also promote the idea to not only their

    members, but to forward the press release to any media contacts they

    have. We also encourage the leaders of each of the groups help promote

    the rally in their respective congressional districts. There are

    enough groups representing the workers, 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th

    amendment rights, etc. Can we work together for one day to send the

    message that needs to be sent? If all of us don’t, who will?”

    Dan Kairis

    Rally Coordinator

    New Frontier Coaltion
    Even if all of us do, who will listen besides spammers and NSA?


    New Frontier Coalition [Gypsies, Tramps, Theives !!]

    P.O. Box 188 South Elgin, Il 60177-0188

    phone 1-847-695-3195 fax 1.847-41-3327

    Contact: Dan Kairis

  2. 1. What in Hell does #1 have to do with the main entry ???

    2. What genius election law prof / lawyer has ANY brain cells regarding —

    SEPARATE IS N-0-T EQUAL — Brown v. Bd of Ed 1954 —

    NOT brought up in the many ballot access cases since 1968 in the Supremes — i.e. UNEQUAL ballot access requirements for so-called major parties, old minor parties, new parties and independents.

    I.E. worse than zombie brain dead ignorance about the EQUAL in the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amdt, Sec. 2 — especially by the party hack Supremes and their armies of party hack clerks.

  3. Good luck, Mr.Nader. I hope that if the Supreme Court takes this case that they rule in favor of Nader, of course.

  4. Don’t rely to much on our court system, its engulfed in the world of corporate power and doesn’t dare talk truth to power. They’ve sold the people out.

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