Philadelphia Inquirer Runs Ralph Nader Op-Ed on Pennsylvania Ballot Access

The Philadelphia Inquirer of January 28 has this op-ed by Ralph Nader, on Pennsylvania’s unique system of charging candidates who fail to get on the ballot with the costs associated with checking their petitions. Thanks to Oliver Hall for the link.


Philadelphia Inquirer Runs Ralph Nader Op-Ed on Pennsylvania Ballot Access — No Comments

  1. Ross, on the website you link to, one article says this:

    “Nader posed a threat to Kerry by virtue of his appeal to ultra-left wing Democrats who might have voted in sufficient numbers for Nader to deny Kerry a win in Pennsylvania.”

    I can’t quite swallow the idea that there is an “ultra left-wing” of the Democratic Party, nor, if there was, why they would vote Green. The Democratic Party in the U.S. is so far to the right that anyone “ultra left-wing” would still be right of center.

  2. There are plenty of “ultra-left wing” Democrats who just don’t think it’s worth supporting a third party.

    But that’s not really an important thing about the website at all.

  3. “Ultra-left wing Democrats.”

    Yeah, because if you’ve ever voted for a Democrat, even once, they own your… rear end forever. Resistance is futile, blah blah blah.

    Democratic “leaders” and their perpetual apologists should stop pretending they give a flying leap about lower-case democratic values. The “we own you” speech is pretty much all they have to offer to anyone on their left;How far left by some supposedly objective measure the disaffected voters might be isn’t the real issue at all.

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