Louisiana Libertarian Ballot Access Hearing

On February 19, U.S. District Court Judge James Brady will hold a hearing in Libertarian Party v Dardenne, the Louisiana ballot access case. Last year, Judge Brady had granted an injunction putting Bob Barr on the Louisiana ballot, but the 5th circuit had overturned injunctive relief. The case continues, in order to resolve the constitutional question of whether the Secretary of State had authority to extend the statutory deadline long enough to assist the Republican Party but not long enough to assist the Libertarians, who were (and are) also a ballot-qualified party in that state. The state argues the case is moot.


Louisiana Libertarian Ballot Access Hearing — No Comments

  1. Why would the case be moot? Just because the presidential election is over doesn’t mean that the constitutional question is put down…

  2. The courts always argue that the cases are moot once the election being disputed is over so there is no precedent going forward. It’s just another way to ensure the two major parties aren’t threatened by minor/third parties and independent candidates.

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