Four Tennessee State Legislators Join Proposed New Lawsuit on Obama Qualifications

Four Tennessee state representatives have agreed to be co-plaintiffs in a proposed new lawsuit that will challenge President Obama’s eligibility to be president. They are Eric Swafford, Glen Casada, Stacey Campfield, and Frank Niceley, all Republicans. The proposed lawsuit is being sponsored by Dr. Orly Taitz’ Defend Our Freedoms Foundation. Here is one of the many articles in Tennessee newspapers. It is not clear that state legislators have any more standing than plaintiffs in earlier, similar lawsuits. Even members of Congress have been told by the courts, in past lawsuits, that they lacked standing in certain types of constitutional cases.


Four Tennessee State Legislators Join Proposed New Lawsuit on Obama Qualifications — No Comments

  1. The standing JUNK is used by the party hack Supremes to allow the nonstop subversion of the Constitution by the party hack Feds — especially in the EVIL powermad executive branch.

    EVIL monarchists (think Stalin and Hitler types) love the standing JUNK.

  2. Since the Supreme Court has turned down all the appeals without comment, you don’t know whether they did it based on standing or lack of merit, or more likely, both. It’s quite possible that just for entertainment they read Berg’s brief, had a good laugh, and based their decision on the fact that the “case” completely lacks anything resembling evidence.

  3. among other FOIAs — the original state dept travel records of BO’s mom circa 1961 (not the recent electronic archive held by DHS) should be interesting.

  4. “GetOverYourselves” lol.

    actually, you do know that all three of Berg’s lawsuits are still active….don’t you? The one you are apparently referring too, case no. 08-4340 was denied an emergency stay of the election and then and emergency stay of the counting of the E.C. votes. The case is open and alive in the U.S. 3rd district court of appeals.

    the evidence that is publicly known is:

    Barry had foreign citizenship at birth (British)
    Barry’s father was a foreign national and never had U.S. Citizenship of any kind.
    Barry was enrolled in an Indonesian school as an Indonesian citizen.

    Does anyone honestly think the framers of the Constitution intended such a person to be considered a Natural born citizen?

  5. I have been hoping to see a legitimate answer to this very basic question or questions for many months. To my amazement this has not yet been properly answered.
    There seem to be two parts to this issue.
    There are those who are tenaciously pursuing a specific answer from some official government entity to establish:
    A.) place of birth and
    B.) natural born

    A.)This would seem to be pretty easy to establish. But when the only documentation which would provide a final valid answer (long form birth certificate) is locked down and sealed from the public by the man who promised transparency, one has to wonder. This is a very serious issue. Employing attorneys to protect this secrecy only fuels suspicion.

    B. seems like it might be hard to apply in some cases, but not so hard with a man who acknowledges being born to a non-citizen father and who was adopted by a non-citizen step father. Again this is only made more difficult to settle when the facts are hidden and all official government entities who are given the responsibility of dealing with the matter are claiming it’s not their job.

    So I say hurray to these representatives for being bold enough to stand up and say that a non-answer is just not good enough with a question this important.
    They are not inventing some ridiculous conspiracy or acting out of selfish motives. I hope they will succeed in getting to the bottom of this.

    If I were in line at an airport or a border and saw someone show an official a questionable photocopy of a BC, or sat to them “I’ve showed it to someone else, or “talk to my attorney”, I hope the official asking would not be easily deterred.

    We are talking about the head of the most powerful nation in the world. Close enough is the wrong answer.

    I’d be glad to hear a reasoned reply to this but please save the name calling for the alley.

  6. Please if you really want to stop this horrible action against the chosen one by our people say this prayer every time Al Gore makes a dire prediction:

    Prayer to Obama

    Oh enlightened one who knows all send a sign that those WACKO NUTJOB RIGHT WINGER GUN CLINGING RACISTS FROM MARS
    are wrong. We humbly await your blessed orders in hopes that you might gaze upon this free country as your own and give us a few houses and cars for our troubles. Or maybe just a flat screen TV for my cousin since he’s an unbeliever. Til this day we’ll support you with immaturity, lawlessness and name calling in your name Obama AMEN

    Yours Truly,


  7. Yawn! More right-wing and or racist thugs who want to stir up trouble and (no doubt) earn some nice fame and fortune with this ’cause’.

    Obama was born in the United States. He was born to a woman who was a US citizen. That pretty much settles the matter.

    No one really questioned this until after the election (with few exceptions) and most of the lawsits are sooo clearly in it for the fame and fortune its almost laughable.

  8. US Ambassador Keyes is one of the plaintiffs in a raft of cases that have been filed since June of ’08. All they want to see is a $10 birth certificate! At least 4 congressmen have now signed onto a lawsuit requiring Obama to produce, birth records, college applications and passport records. Although the Senate had hearings during the primaries regarding John McCain’s eligibility, they refused to verify Obama. Currently the president has only provided a short form certificate to a website, and not to any government verification agency. He has spent $1000000 hiding his past. An example of a short form certificate is the Hawaiian birth certificate of Sun Yat-Sen, the first president of the Republic of China, who’s long form birth certificate shows him to be born in Guangdong, China He obtained the same kind of short form Hawaiian birth certificate as Obama which also states his place of birth as Honolulu, even though he didn’t come to the US until he was 14. (Obama Family and Kenyan officials have given affidavits that he was born in Kenya, his mother wasn’t old enough to confer any kind of US citizenship to him if this is true). We know Obama was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather, and records from his school list him as an Indonesian citizen. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship. This required him to drop any other citizenship. As far as we know, unless he applied to become a naturalized US citizen when he became an adult, he is an Indonesian citizen still. As an Occidental college student, age 20, he traveled to Pakistan, which had closed it’s borders to US citizens. The current court case requires Obama to open records he has meticulously sealed from public scrutiny, school admission records, passport records, and a long form birth certificate. Why spend a million dollars to hide something if you are ‘transparent’ and have nothing to hide?
    Here is a link to Alan Keyes site

  9. THE TRAIN IS RUN AWAY and if you succeed in removing Obama for any irregularity, look for a Marshall Law take over and then it is officially over.

  10. Obama is a fraud, plain and simple. He will not release ANY information about his past; we are expected to take what he says as truth. This stinks to high heaven.

  11. As a Canadian, by interest in this mess is one of horrified curiosity. Should it be uncovered that Obama was NOT, in fact, eligible for the Presidency, an economy-sized can-of-worms will be opened. Not only will many face jail (including the President himself), EVERY thing he’s touched in his official capacity as President will go down the toilet. This includes the trillion-dollar ‘stimulus package’…something that has frightening implications for the global economy (if the U.S. tanks, it’ll suck countries like Canada down with it). The media will be fatally damaged as a credible source, in the eyes of EVERYONE (not just the Right). This makes our recent Parliamentary crisis look like small potatoes…

  12. Obama also traveled to Pakistan in 1982, in his own words, “on a spiritual journey.” Problem was, at the time, travel to Pakistan by US citizens was illegal. He has said that he used an “Indonesian passport,” which indicates that as late as 1982 he was still claiming Indonesian citizenship. Perhaps for selfish personal reasons, not political reasons – the ability to travel to countries that ban US citizens – but still claiming that dual citizenship, none-the-less.

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