Pennsylvania Ballot Access Bill Introduced

The Pennsylvania Voters Choice Act has now been introduced. It is SB 252 and has nine Senators as sponsors. They include seven Republicans (Mike Folmer, Pat Browne, Mary Jo White, Lisa Baker, Jeffrey Piccola, Rob Wonderling, and Jane Earll) and two Democrats (Jim Ferlo and Lisa Boscola).

Minor parties would be on the November ballot automatically, and would nominate by convention, if they had registration membership of at least .05% of the state total. Independent candidates would need 2,000 signatures for statewide office, and smaller requirements for district office.

As of February 16, the bill is not yet posted to the state webpage. The webpage only has Senate bills up through SB 195, but it should soon catch up.

If the bill were in effect now, the Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties would be ballot-qualified.


Pennsylvania Ballot Access Bill Introduced — No Comments

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