On February 5, the Oklahoma House Rules Committee passed HB 1329, which requires candidates to arrange to have a copy of their birth certificate sent directly from the issuing agency to the Election Board, and also requires a government photo ID. The author is Representative Mike Ritze (R-Broken Arrow).
The Committee amended the bill slightly, to say that the government photo ID requirement is also met with a photo ID issued by an Indian Tribal government.
Ritze says he will become a co-plaintiff in a proposed new lawsuit, demanding that President Obama reveal his birth certificate, if the Legislative Counsel tells him that nothing in Oklahoma legislative rules forbid him from doing so. See this article.
The vote in the Rules Committee was 10-2. The two “No” votes were cast by Democratic Representatives Richard Morrisette and Jerry Shoemake.
do not stop until we see the long form!
if it confirms, fine.
if it doesn’t, we needs to know!
If Obama WAS born in the U.S., he should simply produce his birth certificate and be done with all this silliness.
If he won’t/can’t, then there’s a serious red flag here.
Its hard for me to believe that this would not have not been checked by the DNC early on in the campaign. What a mess this will be when the obvious truth comes out. No wonder Howard dean got the hec out of Dodge.
Will this bill in Oklahoma be retroactive to the 2008 elections?