Conservative Party USA Joins COFOE Board

The Conservative Party USA has just become a member of the board of the Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE). The Conservative Party USA is a new party that has not yet become ballot-qualified in any state, nor has it yet run any nominees for public office. It is not affiliated with the Conservative Party of New York.

It was founded by Sam A. Gallo of Baton Rouge, who has been a business leader in the insurance industry, a bankruptcy trustee for the federal bankruptcy court in Louisiana, and president of the Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge. For more about him, see here. He originally founded the Louisiana Conservative Party. See the Conservative Party USA’s webpage, or click here.


Conservative Party USA Joins COFOE Board — No Comments

  1. I dont understand why this guy doesnt just join the Republican Party and run for office there. His money and reputation as president of the Kiwanis Club of Baton Rouge would make him a leading candidate for State Senate–and then who knows what.

  2. Perhaps Mr. Gallo knows that the Republican Party – like the Titanic – is a sinking ship and will be a minor-sized party by the year 2012. That could be one of his reasons, at least.

    The new Party might be a home for people leaving the GOP and do not want to join either the Constitution Party nor the Libertarian Party. Frankly, I would rather see those people educate themselves and come over to the Peace and Freedom Party (in California) and other socialist parties (in other states). Hope springs eternal, as the old saying goes.

    At any rate, welcome to COFOE, Conservative Party USA.

  3. Communist Party USA: Please join us everyone! I am also testing to see if this note will go through right away or will have to await Yahoo moderation. It seems that many times when I write communist or socialist, the message gets stuck at the door. I know that it is not Richard’s doing, by the way.

  4. Anyone unhappy with the Republicans already has such options as the Constitution Party, America First, the Libertarians, etc.

    With the exception of the NY Conservative Party, parties with “conservative” in their names have not usually done very well.

    Citizens certainly have the right to start new parties, but I hate to see the right-of-center vote further split.

  5. The point is liberty and electoral freedom!

    Just because I am a member of one of the three larger alternative parties(Constitution)it would be rather arrogant of me to say, “OK that’s enough…the rest of you have to shoehorn yourselves and your beliefs into of our bigger tent parties”…shades of the DEMS and GOPS!

    Freedom is for everybody, not just folks who think “just like me.”

    By the way, I bet some people would be surprised to learn that the P&F leadership and the AIP leadership in California got along famously in the 70’s and worked on many projects together, including, just to name one, proportional representation.

  6. Maybe the Conservative Party USA will start out like the America First Party has.

    The AFP has yet to nominate its own presidential candidate, and last year it advised its members to support either Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr.

  7. The Conservative Party of Louisiana is not going to going to propose a candidate at this time. We are in the mode of “E.A.S.E.”
    (E) is to educate the public about the principles of our Founding Fathers.
    (A) is to advise the voting public about present candidates, Democrat, Republican, or others, seeking office.
    (S) is to select candidates who will run as Conservative Party candidates, and
    (E) is to elect them.

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