Charlottesville Democrats to Use Ranked Choice Voting for Primary

This year, the Democratic Party of Charlottesville, Virginia, is using Ranked-Choice voting to choose party nominees for city council and sheriff. See this article. Thanks to Steve Rankin for the link.


Charlottesville Democrats to Use Ranked Choice Voting for Primary — No Comments

  1. For single offices, IRV obviously does NOT treat ALL second choices the same.

    Extreme times — like 2009.

    49 HWS
    49 SWH
    1 WHS
    99 — majority = 50

    Place Votes Table
    1 2 3

    H 49 1 49
    S 49 0 50
    W 1 98 0

    H Hitler, S Stalin, W Washington, George

    Pending MAJOR education about head to head math —

    P.R. Total Votes / Total Seats = EQUAL votes needed for each seat winner in legislative bodies

    A.V. for executive/judicial offices — vote for 1 or more, highest win.

    NO party hack caucuses, primaries and conventions (with all the related party hack machinations) are needed.

    For advanced math folks — ALL election methods FAIL with 3 or more choices near/at the winning margin.

  2. So much for the smoke filled back room, evil party hacks and other antiquated notions? Instead of state funded and administered nominations, Charlottesville Democrats took the initiative to conduct their own affairs and did so in an inclusive manner. And if you don’t like their policy proposals or Loyalty Pledge – don’t associate with this private organization. And of course, in the public election, vote for the candidate you best want to see elected.

  3. Nominations for public offices is PUBLIC business — not just for party hacks behind closed doors.

  4. This site is funnier than my show. You have birthers of all varieties and a fight to the death for control of a party that got 0.03% of the vote in the last presidential election. Now we have Hitler and Stalin running for Charlottesville city council. I wonder where they stand on the new water treatment plant.

    Don’t you dare tell Colbert about this. This one is all mine!

  5. # 4 Only MORONS can not detect how often there WILL be Hitler and Stalin clones in the final top 2 using IRV.

    The IRV winner WILL claim an IRV mighty majority mandate (3M) for his/her EVIL stuff.

  6. #5 Please stop ducking the question. Where do Hitler and Stalin stand on the new water treatment plant?

    Thank you for a straight answer please.

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