Kucinich Won’t Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Overrule Ballot Access Oath

The Texas Democratic Party does not permit Democrats to run in its presidential primary unless they pledge to “fully support” the party’s eventual presidential nominee. Congressman Dennis Kucinich refused to sign that oath in 2008, so was kept off the Texas Democratic primary ballot. He had challenged the party in court but lost the case in both U.S. District Court and the 5th circuit. He has decided not to ask for U.S. Supreme Court review.

However, he will ask the Democratic National Committee to tell the Texas Democratic Party that it should drop the oath. No other state unit of a major party has a similar oath for candidates in its presidential primaries.


Kucinich Won’t Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Overrule Ballot Access Oath — No Comments

  1. While the principle of the oath is incredibly ridiculous, especially given the wide disparity of views within the Republocrat parties, I would think that the party has no way of enforcing the oath. It would be interesting to see someone take the oath and then make a principled stand against supporting a party candidate at general election time.

  2. What is to stop the party hacks in other States from copying the party hack oath ???

    End the EVIL.

    NONPARTISAN nominations and elections of all elected executive officers using Approval Voting.

  3. I’m really hoping that Kucinich will leave the party if this doesn’t go through. We need independents in the House too!

  4. He should have challenged the credentials of the Texas delegation at the national convention.

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