New York Newspaper Creates Ballot Access Board Game

The Gotham Gazette has created an on-line computer board game, “Ballot Bump”. See it here. The game has three players, a Pigeon who wants to run in a major party primary without support from the party organization; a Heron who wants to run in a party primary with party support; and a Starling who wants to run as an independent.

Although the game seems to start as a maze, it really is a knowledge game. One advances one’s bird along the maze by correctly answering multiple-choice questions about the process of getting on the ballot.


New York Newspaper Creates Ballot Access Board Game — No Comments

  1. There are several errors. It says you must be a city resident to carry a petition for city council when you can be from anywhere in the state. It also says you can only use petition forms from the Board of Elections and they must be identical, which is not true. They can differ in certain details.

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