Albany, New York Newspaper Story on Voters Who Register at Two Different Addresses

The August 23 issue of the Albany (New York) Times Union has this story, about voters who own homes in two different regions of New York state, and who are registered at both addresses.

The Help America Vote Act passed by Congress in 2002 requires the states to create a statewide registry of registered voters, to catch problems like this. But, some states have trouble keeping their statewide list up-to-date. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


Albany, New York Newspaper Story on Voters Who Register at Two Different Addresses — 2 Comments

  1. former CJ Sotomayor denied my motion (in Loeber v Spargo and Schulz v Berman) contesting in part this enrollment problem in this recent 20th CD special election. In 1994 Schulz v Berman attempted to force the centralized database issue 15 years ago. USDC-NDNY District Justice Kahn as attempted to foil the renewal of this litigation originally conducted under a great but now dead district Justice Con Cholakis. US v NYS-BOE (DJ Sharpe denied intervention and request to renew Schulz v Berman.

  2. This seems to have happened in California within the American Independent Party at the state central
    committee meeting on July 20, 2007.

    At the meeting of the American Independent Party State Central Committee on July 20, 2007, Rayna Mike King was removed as office and member of the
    State Central Committee and National Committee because she was a register Republican in Los Angeles County and listed on her website as the
    “Repubican Businesswoman of the Year”. Dr. Don
    Grundmann vote to remove Rayna Mike King from office and central and national committee at that
    State Central Committee meeting.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

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