Texas Democratic Party Submits its Rules on Presidential Caucuses to U.S. Justice Department

The Texas Democratic Party has asked the U.S. Justice Department, Voting Rights Section, to retroactively approve its rules for apportioning delegates to the national convention. The 2008 rules were somewhat different than the 2004 state party rules, concerning delegates chosen by caucus. Texas Democrats used a hybrid primary/caucus system in 2008. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1994 that the Voting Rights Act, section 5, covers political parties as well as governments. Section 5 requires that changes in election procedures (in some parts of the U.S.) must be approved by the Justice Department.

The Texas Democratic Party still does not concede that it needed to seek pre-clearance, but it has done so because of a federal court decision of August 25, called LULAC of Texas v Texas Democratic Party, issued by a 3-judge U.S. District Court in San Antonio.


Texas Democratic Party Submits its Rules on Presidential Caucuses to U.S. Justice Department — 5 Comments

  1. The National Democratic Party also apportions delegates among the States on the basis of each State’s share of the national popular vote in previous elections.

    Shouldn’t the NDP also make a submission for its rules, as well as its decision to sanction Florida and Michigan for changing the date of their primary, but not New Hampshire – which quite reasonably was racially discriminatory.

  2. Probably the national Democratic Party thinks it is protected against having to worry about the Voting Rights Act, because of the decision LaRouche v Democratic National Committee, in which the US Court of Appeals, DC Circuit, said it didn’t need to preclear a rule that even if LaRouche won some delegates (which he did in 1996), he could not receive votes at the national convention.

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  4. The party hacks in the various parties are NOT independent empires from outer space.

    EVERYTHING connected with the PUBLIC nomination / PUBLIC election process is subject to the LAW.

    The VRA has been totally screwed up since 1965 — due to the various MORONS in the Supremes who have been destroying the State regimes since 1936.

    Each State is a sovereign NATION-State (since 4 July 1776 and the 1783 Peace Treaty) with the U.S.A. regime being a super-national regime for the States.

    See Const. Art. VII — always ignored by armies of MORON lawyers and the Supremes.

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