Tacoma's Daily Newspaper Carries Article About Ranked Choice Voting

Pierce County, Washington, used Ranked Choice Voting for the first time for certain partisan county offices in 2008. Now there is a ballot measure (placed on the ballot by the County Commission) that asks the voters if they wish to repeal that system. Tacoma’s daily newspaper, the News Tribune, has this article about the campaign.


Tacoma's Daily Newspaper Carries Article About Ranked Choice Voting — 8 Comments

  1. P.R. and REAL Democracy —

    Total Votes / Total Seats = Equal votes needed for each seat winner via pre-election candidate rank order lists — to transfer surplus and loser votes.

  2. It’s good that some counties are experimenting with different voting methods but RCV, which I assume is the same as IRV, has some odd behavior (based on certain unsatisfied voting criteria). It can lead to unexpected and non-intuitive results, but we are pretty acclimated to the predictability and simplicity of plurality voting.

  3. IRV is FATAL since it ignores most of the data in a Place Votes Table.

    How often will Stalin and Hitler clones be in the final top 2 — especially for an executive office — President, Governor, Mayor ???

    The top math MORONS hyping IRV just love having EXTREMISTS get elected with *mandates* for extremist left/right party hack agendas.

    P.R. and nonpartisan A.V.

  4. IRV was used for both partisan and non-partisan offices. However, the office Assessor-Treasurer was newly converted to be a non-partisan position, and Sheriff was newly made an elective position (non-partisan).

  5. Regarding # 6 —

    2 Examples — Folks can do the Place Votes Table math as a test of their 3rd grade math.

    A quite possible example (Clue — the Middle is really divided — extremes are on the march — think 1930s)–

    34 R–M–L
    33 L–M–R
    16 M–R–L
    16 M–L–R

    A super extreme example – think end of the Roman Republic in about 30 B.C. —

    49 L–M–R
    49 R–M–L
    1 M–L–R

    How many 2nd place votes does M get in each example ? Duh.

    L Leftwing extremist
    R Rightwing extremist
    M Moderate Middle

    STOP IRV at ALL costs for single offices — regardless of every MORON hyping it as the all time fix for elections.

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