Moderate Party Has Town Committees in 17 of Rhode Island's 39 Municipalities

The Moderate Party, the only ballot-qualified party in Rhode Island other than the Democratic and Republican Parties, has announced that it has formed town committees in 17 of Rhode Island’s municipalities. Rhode Island only has 39 municipalities. The party says it is organizing additional committees in more places. The places in which the party already has committees are Barrington, Bristol, Burrillville, Coventry, Cranston, Cumberland, East Greenwich, Foster, Glocester, Jamestown, Lincoln, Narragansett, North Kingston, Providence, Scituate, Warwick, and West Warwick.


Moderate Party Has Town Committees in 17 of Rhode Island's 39 Municipalities — 4 Comments

  1. [On the previous page]:
    Justin Jeffre Says:
    October 20th, 2009 at 11:31 am
    “It would be ulra-leftist and counter-revolutionary for the Party to help the Republicans by going against the Obama-Biden Administration.”

    Phil, are you saying that it is revolutionary to not oppose the warmongers in the White House? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Obama is the new face of the American Empire and he’s raised more corporate dollars than any Republican ever has.

    Phil Sawyer responds:

    The Obama-Biden Administration is not as you describe, in my opinion. Personally, I have never supported an “immediate withdrawal” (as so many of my fellow leftists do) from Iraq; and I do not support an “immediate withdrawal” from Afghanistan. Like the late, great, Eugene J. McCarthy, I was opposed to an “immediate withdrawal” from Vietnam but (like Clean Gene) I was very active in the Peace Movement. I think that it is irresponsible to take such “immediate withdrawal” positions. I am in favor of prompt, orderly, withdrawals from war situations (in conjunction with negotiations around coalition governments and so forth). War is a very bad thing, I certainly agree with you about that.

    Our country is finally getting relief from the eight long, dark, years of the Bush-Cheney Administration. It would be foolish to help the Republicans get back into power – either directly or indirectly.

  2. Phil-Certainly, Bush made such a mess in Iraq that an immediate withdrawal is impossible. However, one needs to guard against the “just a little longer” mindset also. After all, troops are still in Germany and Korea.

  3. You are correct, Jerry. I do think, though, that President Obama’s withdrawal schedule (from Iraq) is as good as one could expect under such dismal circumstances.

  4. Phil, I agree. I’m still waiting however, for all the costs to be paid back to us out of Iraqi oil revenues, as Paul Wolfowitz promised. Does any one have any idea when that will happen?

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